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The alarm rang and Emily quickly sat up from her slumber. She was used to doing that, she'd be sleeping and with the slightest sound, she was up right and quickly woken up. Gathering her thoughts, she saw the time.


She had enough time to get ready. Work starts at 5:08. Standing up, she felt the cold of the floor touch her toes. She tippy toed to the bathroom. Taking off all her clothing, she hopped in the shower. After 12 minutes of showering, she heard the door creek open behind the curtains. She didn't say anything and stood completley still. Then the door closed. Without saying a word, she opened the curtain slowly, but in her view, the room was too foggy thanks to all the hot water she was using. All that was heard was heavy breathing, so Emily started mouthing the words of a prayer that was taught to her

"O God, Who knowest us to be

set in the midst of such great

perils that,

by reason of the weakness of our

nature, we cannot stand upright-"

As she said this prayer, the breathing got faster and closer.

"grant us such health of mind and

body, that those evils which we

suffer for our sins we may"

Then, out of nowhere, a hand held her cheeks. Their thumb on one cheek and the rest of their fingers on the other cheek

"vercome through Thine

assistance. Through Christ our


She let out a sigh of terror before she said the final word


Then a stiff tounge fell on her cheek. "Eww what?" She grunted while resting her back on the wall where the shower rod was placed on. "Gotcha sis" a familiar voice yelled. "Yo, look at her face" the other, also familiar voice said. "Daliah, Trinity?" Emily asked confused as she will ever be. "Noooo, Satan" Trinity said sarcasticly. Trinity was also known as 'Infinity' or 'infinite' just because her name rhymes and for some reason it's easier to remember. She was a small pale girl, eyes very dark, short brown hair. Kind of like Dora. "Trinity, that's not funny" Daliah said with a small smile. Daliah was also known as 'Dolly' or 'Doll' because of her apperiance. She was a darker shade, caramel eyes, and porcelain like skin texture. "Oh my god, guys you couldn't wait until I got out the shower?" Emily sort of yelled. "Just hurry up, someone is leaving CDT today and we have to be there for their dismissal" Dolly said. "Wait, seriously?" Emily said in surprise. "Shocker right? But hurry, we can't be late, they are leaving very soon" Infinity said. "Who's the lucky person?" Emily asked. "You know that little 13 year old? Joshua? The one that's so stuck on you?" Dolly reminded her. "Well he's outta that hell hole" Dolly continued. "Then we have to hurry... Go wait outside, I'll be right out" Emily says as she turns off the water.

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