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"There is toast in the kitchen, I repeat, there is toast in the kitchen"

The words echoed throughout the whole Asylum. Everybody stood in shock, they where here sooner than expected, but Emily reacted quick. She picked herself up from the bed, and quickly left the room, locking it on her way out. Heading to the front desk, she saw the new girl Annie. Her beautiful locks tied up in a high ponytail. A huge smile on her face. Red jeans, light red shirt, and red with white convers. 'Alot of red... that's interesting considering her past actions' Emily thought to herself. She walked over to Annie's guardian. A tall woman, in her late 20s. Wearing jeans, a nirvana shirt, black convers, and a cap, where her ponytail came out the little hole on the back of it. With a smile, Emily walked over and said "Hello, my name's Sister Emily, and I will be assisting your daughter". "Oh, hello sister, I'm Miranda, and, by the way, she's not my daughter, she's my sister." Miranda said. "Oh, pardon me, Miranda, but may I speak to her?" Emily asked politely. "It's okay, and sure go ahead, just be careful what you tell her. She takes things... her own way" Miranda warns her, and Emily nodded in understanding. Emily turned to see Annie sitting on the couch in the waiting area, grinning while looking down at her fingers. Emily walks over to her and sits next to her. "Hey sweetie" she says gently. "Hi ma'm" Annie says looking up at her. "My name is Sister Emily, what about you?" Emily asked as if she didn't know already. "My name is Amarilis. I find a sort of attractiveness to the color purple. I am 10 years of age and this is my first time attending an institution for citizens with mental disibilities." She said. Emily squinted her eyes at her 'Did she just say she was 10? That her name is Amirilis? This is her first time?' She thought a bit confused. She was still starring at the girl, waiting for a "just kidding", an "I'm joking" or a "ha, gotcha'!" But nothing, just a smiling face staring at her. "Well, Amarilis, let me show you your room" Emily said. They both stood up and went to room 1F. "Okay so, this is your room, darling. Hope you like it" Emily told her. "I dislike this room, it's not big enough. I need more space. I feel... caged. Isn't there any way to get a bigger space, I have a desire of moving around" Annie said looking at Emily with a very serious face. "Well, you're in luck darling, because there is one room that is free, and there's as much space as you need" Emily says with a very big grin. Both of them exit the room and walk to room 3H. "Here it is, room 3H" Emily says while opening up the door. Annie walked in and looked around. "It's perfect" she said. "Just what I was hoping for! I love it's background stories." "Background stories?" Emily asked tilting her head a little bit. "Of course. Each room has a story or background..." Annie looked to the right. "He died right there" she walked to the corner of the room and pointed at it. "Blood on the wall. I'm guessing they where hitting something against it, like a head, and they did it a little too much, a little too hard" she stood up and took in a breath through her nose. "A man, old, had a nice sense of humor... May he rest in peace" she said looking at Emily. "Umm, I'll tell someone to -- uhh -- bring in your bags" Emily said almost stuttering. On her way out before Emily could go down the hall, she heard Annie yell "Excuse me ma'm?" Emily turned "Yes, darling?"

"I really like your hair... brown is a pretty color and I like the way the yellow on your tips blends with the rest of your natural hair color"

She was so shocked, from all the patients, no one has been so point on about something that she hid under her clothing. Without turning around Emily blankly said "Thank you" and continued walking. Once she was in the hall, she saw police sirens and a bunch of people standing in the main hall. Everyone was circling someone, but Emily couldn't see who, she knew she had to get a closer look. "Excuse me"... "Sorry"..."Pardon me" Emily said as she walked through the crowd of people. She got to the middle of the crowd and saw Lia, a man, a woman, and 2 police officers. "Hey Emily! Over here!" She heard someone yell on top of all the whispering and sirens. She turned her head and saw Dolly so she sprinted over to her. "Hey Doll, what's going on? What happend?" Emily says worried. "You know that new boy? Robert? He disappeared. He was sitting on the couch, and while Lia was talking to the parents, he just... left" Doll said. "Do they have any idea of where he could be?" Emily said anxious. "Well, we know he is inside the facility so--" Dolly hadn't even finish her sentence and Emily already left. She was walking through every hall and all she could think was;

'I have to find this kid... he's dangerous, where is he? Where did he go? Where could he have went? Where could he have gone?




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