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Dolly, Infinity and Emily always took Dolly's car to work. Once they got there, each one put their smiles on and walked in the Asylum. "Good morning"..."Good morning"..."Good morning"... they greeted everyone. After a couple of minutes went by, a family walked in. A woman of about 27, a father of about 32, a little girl and 2 little boys. This family was known to the Asylum, they came everyday to check on their child. "Emily, me and Dolly will go assist the parents" Infinity said. "I'll go check on Joshua" Emily stated and left down the hall to room 1F. "Knock knock, Joshy" Emily said as she opened the door to reveal Joshua sitting on his bed, starring at a drawing he made of what he thought the outside world looked like. Joshua was diagnosed with "SchizoAffective Disorder". This disorder causes for people to hallucinate and hear voices. He can't go outside because the 'voices' would tell him to run. Joshua was brung into a mental facility when he was 7. He stated that the voices told him to rape his 4 year old sister. Then while on the Asylum, at age 8, he says that he kept on seeing a man with 5 teeth, yellow eyes, bald and about 4'3 and that man kept on leading him to all the secret exits to the Asylum. Then, at age 9, he murdered an old man while he was sleeping by cutting him open with a fork and writing "Sally likes Joshua, and he likes her back. Forever together" on the wall with the old man's blood because his close friend Sally told him to, there was no 'Sally' in the Asylum he was located in. On that same day he was transferred to CDT. "Um, Joshua?" Emily said gently. He turned around, "Oh hello Emily, my dear! How are you in this fine evening?" He asked folding his hands on his lap. "Hey baby, I'm fine, thank you for asking" Emily replied. "So the big day has come, today is the day I will exit this facility, Emily! I'm finally leaving!" Joshua says with the biggest smile. "Yes, my baby. But you're leaving me" Emily says pouting a little bit. "Don't worry, Emily. I'll come visit everyday possible, just to see you" Joshua says. He gets up and wraps his hands around Emily's neck and they embrace each other in a warm hug. "Hey Emily, stop stealing all the love"  they hear someone say. Emily and Joshua stop hugging and see Dylan standing in front of the door. Dylan was caramel skinned, 20 years old, about 5'8. Always had a smirk on his face and his eyes always changed from blue to green from time to time with very nappy hair. "No this is my baby!" Emily says while carrying Joshua and swinging him to one side. "Oh I don't think so!" Dylan says while tickling Emily. "NO. STOP. DYLAN" Emily yells whilst laughing. She looses her grip and Dylan grabs Joshua. "Bye little guy, you better come back, but as a visit, not a patient" Dylan says while patting Joshua's head and giving him his suitcase. "Don't worry Dylan, I'll be fine" Joshua grabs hit suitcase and runs out the door. "That's really cute Dylan, to tickle, I should slap you" Emily says giggling a little bit. Dylan walks over to her, grabs her waist and pulls her towards him. "You can't slap me, we would have to fight. And you know how I get when we fight" Dylan says and leans in to kiss her neck. "Dylan stop, we can't do this" Emily says almost moaning. "Oh come on. You never had sex before, it's not too late" he says while having a firm grip on Emily's ass. "Yeah, but it is too soon" Emily says while moving his chin up to see his face. He moved the neck of her long brown dress down to reveal some of the hickies previously made, he leaned in and added another one. "I'll wait as long as you want me to, princess" he says and quietly leaves. Emily breaths in and breaths out, she dusts off her dress and walks out. Going to the entrance of the Asylum she waves goodbye to Joshua. She grabs a broom and goes back inside to 1F. While she's sweeping, she's quietly humming the song "Cocoa Butter Kisses" by Chance The Rapper. Yes, a nun like Chance The Rapper... After a couple of hours of taking care of patients, Lia, a 18 year old girl who works in the front desk calls out to everyone "Employee meeting in 4 minutes". As 4 minutes pass by everyone gathers in the living room of the Asylum while the patients are in their rooms listening to some music through the loudspeaker. Some employees sit on the ground and some stand but they are all dead silent. Then Lia stands on a chair and says "Okay everyone! There will be two new arrivals one girl, 16, and one boy 18". Everyone was still quite. "Do you have any discription?" Dylan asked out of nowhere. "The girl is Annie. Medium, blonde hair, green eyes. Had to come to CDT for stabbing 22 out of the 25 guards that watched over her." She stated. "What about the boy?" Emily yelled. Everyone turned and starred at her. She doesn't usually talk in meetings. "The boy is tall, curly hair, strong jaw bone, dimples. His name is Robert, sounds pretty normal but this kid is known by almost everyone. Has murdered 20 to 28 girls 14 and up. Has tried poisoning 32 workers from the old Asylum and got away with 24." Everyone gasped, it's not the worst they have seen, but it's still breathtaking. "They'll be here any minute now, so when you hear me say "there's toast in the kitchen" it means they're here. Emily, as always, you'll be in charge to make them feel welcomed. Now, back to work" With that said everyone left the room and Emily went to room 3H. The room 3H was empty, the old patient died from banging their head on the wall more times than they should. He was 37 but he was the only happy patient they had in years. Emily sat there and said a little prayer which she always did before a new patient could be welcomed:

"Beloved, I pray that all may go

well with you and that you may

be in good health, as it goes well

with your soul,


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