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The sun goes down fully, so Emily knows it's time for her to go. She turns around and is shocked to see the one and only Robert right there, leaning on the door that leads to downstairs. "Oh my god, you startled me! Lord, what are you doing here?" Emily says with a hand on her chest. "Don't use God's name in vain, Princess" he chuckles out. "My name is Emily" she says a little bit stubborn. "Nah, your name is whatever I call you, babe." Robert walks over to her, slowly, but surely. Emily was tense again and everything that Doctor Kennedy had said came to reality again. He stopped right in front of her and put his hand on her face "Damn, you so pale. You a white girl." Emily slapped his hand off her face. "Listen boy, I'm serious, stop playing with me. What do you think this is some type of game? Leave me the hell alone, kid"

A long pause of silence

"Wow, you're a little hood. A white hood girl. I like that, but listen..." Robert put his hand on her waist, then kept going up until it was on her neck. He wasn't necceserly choking her, but he was sending out some sexual vibes. "I'm not a fucking kid, baby." With his thumb, he started caressing her bottom lip. "Oh really?" Emily slapped his hand off her. "What are you then?" She asked. Instead of replying, he eyeballed her from head to toe, turned around and walked towards the door. Before he could open it, Emily screamed "HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU." He held the knob tightly and without turning around, he said "I'm a God." With that he twisted the doorknob and left. Emily's cheeks were flushed red. She didn't know what she was feeling, she just didn't know.

Author's note:
Hello children 😊, sorry this chapter was so short but I wanted to hit ya'll with an unexpected sexual-vibes type scene 🌚 I know, I'm awsome, you're welcome 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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