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Tony Stark truly believed he didn't deserve to have anyone as a partner or friend or anything of that matter.

Tony Stark truly believed he was meant to be alone, meant to be the worthless man his father said he was as a child.

Tony Stark believed that he wasn't worthy of anyone's attention. Since the ripe age of five, this became embedded in his brain. Edwin Jarvis tried to remove this harsh thing but he failed to do so, only cheering up his young sir on most days that Howard Stark wasn't home, and Maria Stark was at charity galas.

James Rhodes or as Tony called him, Rhodey, changed this. He became Tony's friend in MIT when the young Stark genius was face down and ass up, he punched the college senior in the face and grabbed Tony and hauled him to his room, scolding Tony.

Virgina Potts, aka Pepper, given by Tony, also changed that. Becoming his assistant, friend then shockingly lover. Tony believed this was a joke and it will all end soon. It didn't, end soon I mean, it lasted a good amount of time before Pepper couldn't take Tony's superhero life anymore. Tony would like to say he was surprised, but he wasn't. He was ready for Rhodey to do the same.

The Avengers changed this but Tony could see it wasn't genuine. They just wanted him for his money and for the cool upgrades the engineer managed to come up with. Tony kept on giving, hoping this would last. Hoping the feeling of being needed could last.

It didn't last long though, they had a fallout, what the media called a "Civil War". It was all blamed on Tony, of course. Why wouldn't it be Tony's fault? Captain America becoming a fugitive, Captain America killing and injuring innocent civilians was all Tony. Rhodey getting injured was Tony's fault, Peter getting a cargo truck on top of him was Tony's fault, Team Cap getting imprisoned in the raft was Tony's fault. It was all Tony's fault.

A woman changed all of this though. A woman who accidentally landed on the roof top of Tony's tower after traveling universes. She called herself Wonder Woman at first, then introduced herself as Diana, Princess of Themyscira. Tony now thinks the wonder part is true, because that wonder made wonders in Tony's life, because changing Tony's life upside down for the good is impossible though, right? But only one woman could and did, and her name was Princess Diana of Themyscira, the Wonder Woman.

She will be Tony's savior, swoop him away from his old demons and foes, and will stop at no cost.

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