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"So Diana, if you don't mind, tell me a little bit about you." Sam said as he sat down.

Harley and Peter were in the lab with Tony, Riri and Kamala went shopping and Thor, Loki and Diana were in the living room when Sam entered.

"Yes, Diana, do tell us where a mighty warrior like yourself is from," Loki said.

"Well," Diana started as she put down her coffee cop on the table in front of her, "I am from an all women island called Themyscira. The island had a queen, called Hippolyta, and she is my mother."

"My mother always claimed that I was molded by clay and was brought to life by Zeus himself, but I later learned that it was not true, that I am the daughter of Zeus. My mother kept this a secret due to the fact that there was this prophecy that I had to fulfill, and there was a high chance that I was going to die."

"I can see why your mother would do that," Loki commented.

"I ended up fulfilling the prophecy," Diana grabbed her coffee cup again to fiddle with it, "I killed the god, Ares. He was making man kind kill each other in horrible ways. The Germans were the people he was influencing and they wanted to take over the world, because they thought they were superior than everyone."

Diana looked up and saw Sam and Loki paying close attention to what the Amazonian was saying.

Before Diana could continue her story, screams and laughter rung out through the tower loud and clear. The three heroes furrowed their brows in confussion.

"Friday," Diana called the AI, "What happened?"

"I believe Sir Harley, Miss Kamala, Miss Riri and Sir Miles just played pranks on our guests," Friday informed calmly.

"Why didn't you stop them?"

"I tried to," Friday began, "I informed Boss of the scheming and he said quote, "Let them, they're just kids and they should be allowed to have fun," and so I followed Boss's orders and allowed them to play the pranks."

"Didn't that Oaf take the two girls with him to go shop?" Loki asked as he slightly looked up.

"Mister Odinson is still out shopping but it seems as if the two girls decided to come early."


"Tony!" Steve exclaimed, walking into the common room and glaring at everyone there.

The glare wasn't effective though, due to the fact that his hair was a bright orange color and his face was covered in flour.

The four pranksters and Peter giggled slightly, amused at Steve's current state.

"Yes, Rogers?" Tony asked, struggling to contain his laughter.

"What is this nonsense?" Steve gestured to his bright hair. The others walked in sporting similar looks, Natasha had green hair, Wanda had white hair, Clint had purple hair and Scott sported pink.

"I don't know what you mean, Rogers," Tony responded, feigning innocence but in reality, he was the one that bought the kids the hair dye in the first place.

Before Steve could respond, Diana stood up and walked towards the furious group of ex-Avengers. "You shouldn't really be mad about it, it's just a harmless prank. It should take two weeks to take off."

"We don't have two weeks!" Clint exclaimed, glare hardening when the kids let out a giggle.

"Well, what are you going to do in those two weeks? Certainly not save the world. You're not Avengers anymore, remember?" Harley said, smirking.

"Tony, you should really teach these kids some respect or-"

"Or what, Steve?" Tony asked, tone of voice deadly. "What are you going to do if I don't teach these kids "some respect"?" The billionaire looked at Steve in the eye, stare cold and jaw set in anger. Steve blinked in surprise, Tony never got that look in his eyes.

Diana walked towards Tony and gently grabbed his bicep, whispering calming words in his ear.

Tony's stance didn't falter as he walked backwards and sat down on one of the many couches in the common floor, the kids following suit.

Sam immideatly walked towards the group of ex-Avengers with a glare. "C'mon, back to your rooms. I'll whip something out to remove the dye." He shot an apologetic look to Tony once he shoved everyone into the elevator.

Tony sighed and rubbed at his face muttering, "This is going to be a long week."


i haven't updated since august oof.

anyways, how are y'all enjoying this so far? it's short and whoops sorry but i swear I'll try and make chapters longer sjsjjs.

yay or nay?


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