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"How is he?" Diana softly asks as she watches Loki exit the room where Tony was currently in. It's been nearly a week since Loki started helping Tony get better and although his health seemed to be improving, the genius was showing no signs of waking up any time soon. She may not show it, but Diana was starting to get scared. Stephen and Loki had both said that Tony should've been awake by now, the aura around him now a bright purple.

It made Diana feel very scared, because that could only mean one thing. That Tony did not want to wake up. The princess shook her head at that thought, not wanting to dwell on it too much. All she needed to think about was when her lover would wake up, nothing else.

"Stephen says his body is completely stabilized and healthy, all that needs to happen is for Stark to wake up. It is just a matter of when. It also seems like the magic has left him completely, an aura is no longer visible," Loki said. "If you would like to move him to his bedroom, you may."

Diana nodded and gave Loki a small smile. "Thank you, Loki. I'm going to go move him now. Please inform the others on Tony's condition." With that, she walks towards the elevator.

"Friday, to the floor where Steve Rogers is in, and please inform him that I want to talk to him."

"You got it, Boss Lady."

"Steve," Diana starts as she sees Steve on the sofa on the floor's living room, he wasn't the only one there though, "Can I talk to you? In private."

Diana hears a couple of scoffs, which she elects to ignore and instead just stares as Steve gets up.

"Uh, sure! My room's this way." Diana just nods and follows Steve to the super soldiers room, once again ignoring the whispers of the others. Most of them have not been nice to anyone when they arrived, so she won't bother to pay them any attention. "So, is this about Tony?"

Diana takes the seat Steve offers her and sighs. "Yes. Loki and Stephen have both said he is completely healthy by now," Diana trails off.

"That's great!" Steve says, relieved. Even if him and Tony weren't on good terms, he was glad his old friend was okay. He wants Tony to be as healthy as possible before even trying to rekindle their friendship.

"But," Diana started, a grimace on her face. That makes Steve worried. What could possibly have Diana so worried? "He should be awake by now, but he isn't. It doesn't make sense."

Steve is stunned into silence. That really doesn't make any sense. Unless...

"Unless he doesn't want to wake up," Steve says softly. Diana nods and stands up. She gives Steve a watery smile and says,

"Do you think you can help me move him to our room? And I can give you some privacy so you can talk to him."

Steve just nods and goes to follow Diana.

"Hey Tony," Steve starts, but he just sighs and shakes his head. He was currently sitting down on a chair next to Tony's bed, where Tony was now laying down on. He had helped Diana move the genius, and true to her word Diana had left him so he could talk to Tony. It was kind of ridiculous, Steve only had the courage to talk to Tony when the man was asleep, unable to respond. But, that was better for him. Because he knew Tony didn't accept apologies too well, and he always seemed to be too hard on himself when he knew he did something wrong.

"I'm sorry Tony, I really am. I know both of us had our reasons, but I guess it feels like I royally messed up," Steve blowed out a harsh breath, this new wave of emotions hitting him too hard. "I should have listened to you better, I know you just wanted what was best for us, but then I was really just thinking about myself, and Bucky. And gosh, speaking of Bucky," He gave a self deprecating chuckle, "He feels so bad, and so do I. I should have told you I-I, I was a bad friend Tony. I was too stuck on the past and what I could salvage from it that I forgot that I had you, and the team. I'm sorry. I hope you wake up soon so I can tell you all of this, so you can tell me 'I told you so' and laugh at my face. I don't expect your forgiveness, I really don't, but I guess I just want to give our friendship another chance."

With that, Steve stands up. He goes to pat Tony's hand but decides against it. Tony didn't really like to be touched, and Steve didn't want to violate that decision. He walks out of the room and bumps into Diana.

"Steve," Diana said, "How did it go?"

"It went well," Steve responds, clearing his throat. "Thank you, Diana. Really. Keep me updated, please?"

Diana just nods and Steve nods back, heading towards the elevator to presumably go back to his room. As soon as the doors close, Diana sighs. She goes to their room and her eyes water as soon as she sees Tony.

Her Tony, just laying there motionless. Diana took comfort in the rise and fall of his chest. Diana walks towards the bed and sits on the chair previously occupied by Steve. She grabs Tony's hand gently and places small soft kisses on it.

"Oh Tony," Diana tells her lover, "I wish you could wake up soon. Everyone misses you," a beat later she adds in a whisper, "I miss you. So much."

Diana begins brushing her hands through Tony's hair, humming softly. "Peter and Thor have gotten close, and I know Peter is loving every second of it. Riri and Kamala have been keeping the boys in check, not letting them blow up too many things. I think Pepper is grateful for that, and Rhodey too." A pause. "There hasn't been anything too bad with the others, not that I have heard."

An hour passes, and Diana is still humming to Tony.

"Bossy Lady?" Friday asks.

"Yes, Friday?"

"Miss. Potts is asking for you, she is in the living room."

"Alright, Friday. Tell her I'm going. Thank you."

Diana stands up and gently lets go of Tony's hand, placing it on his chest. She kisses his forehead and walks out of the room.

here you go everyone! and yes, steve redeems himself because #steverogersisadecentfriend. tell me what you think about this chapter? i think i finally know where i want this story to go again since it's been like three years since i've started it LOL

shameless self promo!!! i've got this new loki story called yellow and it would mean the WORLD to me if you all could check it out and tell me what you think of it!!!

also: longish psa i think??? anyway, here it goes;
i've noticed an influx of comments, old and new, where people are asking who certain characters are. now, i dont mind answering questions, BUT these comments are getting super repetitive and i know ive answered them or other readers have answered them but anyway, i'm here to clear up some confusion i guess LMAO anyways. harley is harley keener from iron man 3, you can google him to see what he looked like then so you can refresh your memories. (iron lad anyone?) riri is riri willaims from earth 616, she's ironheart LOL. i know not everyone is acquainted with the comics but a quick "riri marvel" google search could have cleared up the confusion as to why she's in this story. same with kamala, her name is kamala khan and she is ms. marvel. again, a quick "kamala marvel" could have cleared that up. hell, i think you could search "kamala avengers" and it answers you either way. miles is miles morales and peter is well, peter. anyway, all of the characters ive been using are existing marvel characters (except diana but, you know what i mean) so there's plenty of information on them. i will let everyone know if i chuck in an original character in here.

anways, hope ya liked this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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