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"This wasn't all caused by today's indecent," Stephen said as he pulled Diana aside.

"What do you mean?" The Amazonian asked confused, what else could have caused Tony all this harm.

"When the boulder hit, his suit should've protected him enough so that he would still be conscious, what put him in unconsciousness is weirdly something else. Diana, Tony had a heart attack," Stephen explained, sympathy lacing his tone as he gently patted Diana's shoulder before walking away to check on Tony.

"Wait! What about the burns?" Diana called out to Strange, who turned around to look at her with a conflicted look.

"I-I really can't tell you why he acquired those burns, I don't know myself."

"The magic that was attacking him somehow penetrated his suit, the spell thrown on him was a spell to kill your victim in a painful way. Like throwing acid at someone, which is why his burns are so horrific," Loki immideatly explained, rolling his eyes at Stephen's glare.

"Okay, and the yellow mist surrounding him?" Rhodey asked. He had arrived shortly after he had been given notice of his best friend's condition.

Loki sighed as he fixed the cuff of his suit before looking at Rhodey, "The aura basically determines Stark's health state. Purple is for great, blue is for good, green is for okay, yellow is for not so okay, red is for definitely not okay and black is for you're about to die. Effects of a failed spell."

"Okay so Mr. Stark is one level away from death. I t-think I need to sit down," Peter mumbled as he sat on the floor, Miles, Riri and Harley following suit.

"Brother! Is there any way you can try and help Anthony?" Thor asked Loki, looking at the mischief god with hopeful eyes.

With a sigh, Loki nodded and said, "I will do my best, it shall only take me a couple of days. I will need to have a private room with no visitors and enough liquids to keep him hydrated. I will also heal his heart, if I proceed to remove the effects of the spell with his condition, his heart might give out."

The room collectively breathed a sigh of relief, happy to hear that there was a way to help Tony.

"Well, I must go. Keep me updated on Tony's condition, farewell." And with that, Strange opened a portal and left.

"Loki, please follow me and I will show you where you can help Tony," Diana quietly said as she walked into the elevator, Loki in tow.

"So, who's going to tell Rogers?" Rhodey asked the people in the room who conisted of Thor, Peter, Riri, Miles and Harley.

"Why do we have to tell him? I don't think it's any of his business," Harley said with a frown. Rhodey huffed out a laugh at that, walking towards the teen to ruffle his hair.

"Well, believe it or not kid, Steve and Tony used to be friends. Sure, they weren't best friends but they were friends, and I think Steve - along with the rest of the team - should know what's going on with Tony. Most of them spent time with Tones and should be informed of what's happening, right Thor?"

Thor nodded as he too went and ruffled Harley's hair. "Indeed. Although the team may not be in good conditions, there was a time where we all fought besides each other and trusted one another with our lives. I will inform the Captain and the others, if you need any help, do not hesitate to contact me."


"Thor, long time no see," Steve greeted the god.

"Indeed Captain Rogers, it seems that we have changed a lot," Thor said while motioning to Steve's beard. Steve chuckled at that, motioning to Thor's hair and eyes, or lack thereof.

"It does seem like it. So, why did you need to see me? And oh, please come in." Steve opened the door to the room he was staying in wider, showing the huge luxurious room, although also dull.

"Well," Thor began as he walked into the room at sat down on Steve's nearly made bed, "It has to do with Anthony."

"What about Tony?" Steve asked as he leaned on the wall besides the door, looking at Thor with furrowed brows.

"His condition isn't too well," Thor sighed, "While in battle today, Anthony got hit by a boulder, causing him to have a heart attack. He was also hit with a spell that left horrible effects."

"What?" Steve whispered, grabbing the wall in shock.

"But worry not! My brother is at his aid as we speak. We musn't interrupt him as he heals the Man of Iron."

"Do you really think it's wise to let Loki help? I mean, you do remember New York?"

"I do," Thor sighed and stood up, walking towards Steve and placing a hand on the blond's shoulder, "But my brother was being controlled by the Mad Titan back then, he wasn't himself. Even though he wanted to cause foul harm to anyone, I don't think he would do such foolish intentions where the Earth's mightiest protectors reside in, he is smarter than that."

Steve just nodded at that, not speaking a word because his throat was dry. Thor nodded as well and squeezed Steve's soldier, walking out of the room.

Shortly after, a soft knock was heard. Steve slowly opened the door, shocked to see that it was Diana. He quickly opened the door, giving her access to his room and nodding slightly at the quiet greeting she gave him.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Steve asked the Amazonian.

"Yes, there is," Diana said, looking at Steve with narrowed eyes. "It's about Tony."

Steve immideatly squared his shoulders and gave Diana a guarded stare. "What about him?"

The question created a thick mention in the air, so thick that it could've easily been cut with a knife. Diana fiddled with a thin chain Tony had given her as their first month anniversary present. Diana took a deep breath before speaking.

y'all are probably gonna have to wait a lil bit for the next chapter seeing as after this i am going to be doing the q + a!

anyways, thoughts?

yay or nay?


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