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"All done Mr. Thor!" Peter said as he chucked the device into a container, knowing Tony would want to get his hands on it when he woke up.

"Ah, thank you Peter," Thor sighed in relief as his rubbed the spot the device had been attached to for the past few months, "This thing really has been bothering me for so long, and I really am glad a genius like you was able to help me."

Peter shrugged and smiled slightly, a light blush coating his cheeks. He wasn't used to being praised like this by anyone other than Tony, it made him feel giddy.

Speaking of Tony.

"Mr. Thor?" Peter hesitantly asked, grabbing one of the tools on the table to fiddle with.

"Yes, Peter?"

"I-I was wondering, well uhm, has there been any updates? With Mister Stark I mean! Is there any progress or-or a change or something?"

Thor slowly turned to Peter, seeing the kid so worried for someone made Thor's heart clench in his chest. The thunderer sighed softly and walked towards Peter and placed a gentle hand on Peter's shoulder, squeezing it in what he hoped to be reassurance. By the look of Peter's hesitant smile, it got the message through.

"Loki hasn't told me much, but from what my brother has said, Tony is doing better. He is stable, and that is what matters."

Peter sighed a tiny breath of relief, smiling slightly at Thor. The god returned the smile and patted Peter's back,

"The man of Iron is stronger than we all think he is, he will certainly pull through this."

And with that, Thor walked out of the lab.


Diana sighed, shuffling around the couch to get herself comfortable. She had just hung up from a video call with Pepper, updating her on everything that has been going on. Pepper had not been very happy with the tower's new guests, but that had been overshadowed by her worry of Tony's condition. Diana assured her that they were doing everything to help Tony, and that his condition was stable. After a long chat, they had bid farewell, with Pepper promising she was almost done with her business trip and she should be home soon.

Loki quietly walked in, snapping Diana out of her thoughts. She quickly stood up, walking towards the trickster, a brow raised in question.

"How is he?"

"He is doing quite well." Loki smiled at Diana, "His aura is green, and I think it's bordering on turning blue any day now. His body needs rest from any spell work, so Friday is keeping an eye on him, per say."

The Amazonian's shoulders sagged in relief, and she sat back down on the couch with a huge sigh. "Thank you so much, Loki. Truly."

"No need to thank me, I am merely glad I can be of help around here, after all, my last visit to Midgard wasn't... pleasant at all."

Before Diana could respond to that, Stephen teleported into the room.



"How is he?" Stephen asked, his eyes darting from Diana to Loki. The trickster's lips perked up a bit, having heard the same question a few minutes ago. For some reason, he liked the fact that people were worried for Tony, he knew the man had his insecurities, and Tony somehow reminded him of himself. Maybe he would get to know Tony when the man got better, he was sure the two of them could become good friends.

"Loki has just informed me that Tony is doing better, and that his aura is now green, and that he thinks it may turn blue any day now," Diana responded.

Stephen glanced to Loki as if to verify that information, nodding when Loki gave him a slight nod.

"Great, I will be going on. Let me know of any changes." And with that, Stephen was gone, cape fluttering dramatically behind him.

"He is quite the character," Loki muttered, inciting a laugh from Diana.


"You can't be here."

"Says who?"

"The law, that's who," Miles said with a scowl, looking at Clint menacingly.

"Well, fuck the law." Clint rolled his eyes, still rummaging through the cabinets.

"Clearly," Riri said with a snort as she walked in, Thor in tow.

"Clint, you aren't supposed to be in the floor, it is reserved only for permanent residents, not guests. I suggest you go back before Friday alerts security," Rhodey said, having also come in with Riri and Thor.

"Oh yeah, and what is security gonna do?" Clint asked in a snotty tone.

"Mister Barton, I suggest you go back to your quarters, or I am afraid you will face grave consequences, whether it be with security or with me."

That was Diana, who was not a fan of Clint's tone.

"And I am quite certain you do not want to cross me."

Clint paused, looking at Diana, who was giving him a hard glare. He huffs, and turns on his heel, heading straight for the door. "Whatever."

As soon as the door closed, Miles said "I don't like him."

Riri muttered in agreement, going to clean up the mess Clint had made.

"Yeah, he's quite the asshole." Rhodey sighed, gently sitting down on the couch, next to Thor who seemed to be toying with the remote control, trying to change the channel for the TV. The thunder god smiled as Rhodey gently took the control from his hands and changed the channel to the Discover Channel.

"Oh! I quite like this!" Thor boomed as penguins appeared on screen. "These animals are quite cute!"

"Did you know penguins court another by offering a rock?" Riri asked Thor as she walked towards the couch.

"I did not know that," Thor said and hummed, glancing at Rhodey before turning his head back to the TV.

Diana watched with a small smile on her face, knowing what was to come.

Soon enough, Peter and Kamala had barged in to watch the TV, as well as Loki. All of them were quite entertained, watching the fascinating world of penguins.

uhm, hi?
sorry it's been two years D: i just lost all inspiration to write all together, especially with this story since i really like it and didn't wanna fuck it up lmao.

but i'm back i think?? hopefully anyway. let me know if you liked this chapter! i know it's not the best because i'm still a bit rusty at writing, but i wanted to give you all something!

-jackie ❤️

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