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"I'm sure Thor gave you the news about his recent condition, yes?" Diana said as she looked at Steve. Steve just nodded, words stuck in his throat. Diana sighed and nodded as well.

"Well, after everything that happened between you two, after Si - the incident, I came along," Diana began, noticing Steve's wince when she began saying the word "Siberia", "Tony, for the most part, was doing well. He did have some nightmares and panic attacks here and there, but they were minimal, didn't happen too often. One day though, he had gone to a meeting with the United Nations, when he came back he wasn't in the best shape, he had chest pains so I accompanied him to the doctor. The doctor told him that Tony was at high risk of dying of a heart attack."

"W-why are you telling me all this?" Steve whispered, looking up at Diana from where he was sitting down on the floor, hands shaking. Diana sighed and walked towards Steve, squatting down so that they were at eye level with each other.

"Because whatever happens to Tony, I just wanted to let you know that he still loves you as a friend. Tony Stark isn't one to trust everyone so deeply. He trusted you Steve, and even though you messed up, he was still so happy that you came back, he missed his friend. I just hope you missed him as well." With that Diana squeezed Steve's shoulder in reassurance, stood up and walked to the door.


"Hm?" The Amazonian asked and turned around to look at Steve.

"Please keep me updated? On Tony?"

"Okay," Diana opened the door and stepped out, leaving Steve alone to his own thoughts.


"Peter, Harley! Y'all gotta do your homework!" Rhodey yelled into the living room as he was preparing some snacks for the kids. He glanced into the living room again and saw Miles and Peter hanging off the ceiling, seemingly having an intense conversation. "Hey kids! Get off the ceiling or do you want me to call Pepper? You really want to repeat what happened last time?" 

Both teens immediately fell to the floor swiftly, memories of Pepper's last scolding still fresh and the desire to relive that was not present.

"Uncle Rhodes, have you heard anything about Tony?" Harley asked as Rhodey limped into the living room, giving the teens their designated snacks. Rhodey sighed and shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry kiddo," The colonel said and ruffled Harley's hair.

"Thor, what's up man?"

Thor lifted his head from where he was struggling with a device and smiled at Rhodey, pain evident on his face.

"Nothing important, dear friend. I just can't seem to get this thing off of me and it has been greatly bothering me for quite some time. I meant to ask Tony to remove it for me but it slipped my mind," Thor said as he gestured to something in his hand, red skin around it.

"I'll take a look at it Mr. Thor! Maybe I can remove it," Peter said, enthusiac at first then suddenly shy when Thor's heavy gaze landed on him.

Thor looked at Rhodey who only nodded. "Kid knows what he's doing, you should trust him."

Peter beamed as Thor walked towards him, the teen grabbed the god's hand and pulled him towards the elevator where he would take him to the lab.

"Do you really trust Peter, Mr. Rhodey?" Miles asked as the elevator doors closed. Rhodey snorted a laugh a nodded his head.

"I do trust Peter, Miles. I just hope the kid doesn't end up blowing up the lab like he did the last time he was alone."

"But he has adult supervision with him this time!" Harley exclaimed.

"I don't think Thor exactly counts as adult supervision, Harley. Let's just hope for the best. And if something does blow up, you kids knew nothing, okay?" Harley and Miles nodded, placing their palms on their mouths and giggled as Rhodey ruffled their hair.

i know this isn't long but i just wanted to update this asap.

schools out but i only have a week of rest before i go back in to take some college classes.


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