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"Hm?" Tony responded as he was arms deep into a new project he was working on, something for Miles and Peter.

"There's been an established Code Blue, all hands on deck." Friday's semi-robotic voice fills Tony's ears.

"Fuck - Shit, what?" Tony asks as he hits himself with the over light he had that was shining on what he was making, "A Code Blue? Who is it?"

"It appears to be Doctor Doom, Boss."

"Doom? Are you sure this is Code Blue worthy? I mean, it's just Doom. The most he deserves is a Code Yellow." But Tony goes to suiting up, assembling his latest armor, one with a more protected arc reactor, don't want history repeating itself.

"It seems as if he's teamed up with others, Boss."

"Others like who?"

"Two teenagers, one appears to manipulate magic and the other has the ability to bend the elements at his will, they've been terrorizing Central Park, no casualties as of now, only three injured."

"That's three too many," Tony said, "Friday coms, Avengers, Assemble!" The words took effect instantly, Miles and Peter instantly stopped doing their school project and ran to their rooms, suiting up in their spidey costumes, Harley quickly ran into Tony's lab, sitting down in front of many holographic screens Friday provided, with Riri in tow since she could wear her Iron suit. Diana quickly got into gear, grabbing her lasso, sword and shield.

"Anthony! Do you require assistance?" Thor asked with his booming voice.

"Uh, yeah, we do. Also, bring Reindeer Games, there's magic involved."

Thor nodded and went to grab his hammer as Loki suited up, also grabbing his /brother's/ suit and chucking it to the now short haired god.

"Friday! Where's Kamala?"

"Ms. Marvel appears to be already in Central Park, along with Squirrel Girl, they're fighting Dr. Doom, failing horribly might I add, Boss," Friday informed.

"Tony, do you need any help?" Steve asked, standing in front of Tony.

Tony gasped sharply, it has been a long time since Steve called him Tony. Tony wouldn't admit this out loud, but he missed Steve dearly, he missed his friend so much.

"You're not fully pardoned Cap," Tony said softly, "Maybe next time." And with that, Tony flew outside the window, the rest of his new team following him.


"Hey Doom! Didn't know it was possible for you to up your game! Gotta say, I'm impressed," Tony shouted as he land gracefully in front of Doom who was surrounded with doom bots.

"Iron Man! I see you've brought a new team with you! What happened with your old team?"

"They're on vacation!" Tony said, smirking a bit.

Before anyone could speak again, Diana suddenly covered Tony with her shield, protecting Tony from a magic blast that was headed his way.

"Holy shit! What the heck was that?!" Iron Man exclaimed as he now hovered in the air, asking Friday to scan his surroundings.

"It seems that my colleagues aren't fans of chit chat. Attack!"

And with those words, all hell broke loose. Miles and Peter were wrangling up doom bots, shooting them with their webs. Harley and Riri could be heard helping the teens through the coms. Kamala and Doreen were battling what seemed to be the element manipulator, attacking him from all sides. Diana was attacking Doom with Thor while Tony was stuck with distracting the wizard - warlock? - while Loki worked a spell on him.

"This pest might have the power, but he doesn't have the skill," Loki muttered as a wave of green magic finally hit the warlock, making him drop to the floor quickly and without any grace.

"You didn't kill him, did you Reindeer Games?" Tony asked as he flew over to look at the body.

"As much as I would've liked to, no, I did not kill him. This was just a simple sleeping spell, makes the victim sleep for a whole day," Loki informed while rolling his eyes.

"Huh, you should hit me with one of those spells some time." As Tony was turning around to go help the other, he was hit with a "Tony watch out!" and also a huge boulder which knocked him out instantly, even with the armor protecting him.

"TONY NO!" Diana screamed, quickly running towards where Iron Man layed. She leaned down to rip off the suit mask and was met with Tony's beaten up and bloodied face. "Tony, my love, please wake up," Diana urged the genius, her calloused hands ghosting the genius' face.

"-nder Woman! What happened?" Diana heard Peter's concerned voice over the com. She took a deep breath before reaching towards her com and speaking through it before ripping it out.

"Iron Man is out, I will be taking him to the tower so that he can get immediate medical attention."

Diana picked up the suit with Tony in it, as if it weighed nothing, and quickly ran towards Stark Tower. As soon as she was in there, she called to Friday.

"Friday! Call Doctor Stephen Strange and Tony's doctor, I don't think this is a normal injury," Diana said as she looked at Tony, his suit surrounded with a sickly yellow aura.

"Of course Miss. Diana, if you could put sir on the bed in his lab so I can remove his suit."

Diana just nodded and quickly walked into her lovers lab, laying him down on the directed bed and watched as Friday moved some machines to remove the armor carefully.

Diana gasped and brought a hand to her mouth, the condition Tony was in was awful. Diana has seem many things in her long life time, she's seen many people deathly sick, and a lot of horrible injuries, but none of them could compare to the state Tony was in. The billionaire had his under suit clothes ripped, and where the clothing was ripped, the skin under there looked as if someone had directly placed it under a flame and just burned it to their hearts content.

The sickly yellow aura clinged to his body and increased in it sickly color. All Diana could do now was pray to Zeus that her lover would be okay.


plot twist lmao. y'all need to remember that as much as i hate steve and co., they're still my babies and i love them so much so they'll redeem themselves wINK WONK.

yay or nay?

-jackie 💘

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