Chapter 1

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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
Assalamu alaikum
A little bit crappy as how to start is always a problem to me so please do not mind. And if I make any mistakes feel free to correct me in the comments section down below. We are all humans, no one was born a perfectionist.

I know this book is spiritual but it isn't perfect so please when you see things that are not related to Islam do not bombard me with questions. Have sabr and see what happens.


Klinklinklin! The bell rang signaling the students their torture has come to an end. Nadeen sighed and put her books in her colourful jansport bag which Baba bought for her on his last trip to Washington DC.

As she headed towards the classroom door she heard a familiar masculine voice call her outside the door, "Nadeen"!!! Mr.Tunde her art teacher yelled.

"Yes Mr. Tunde?!". She yelled back and from her voice it was obvious she answered with much distaste which earned her a chuckle from the somehow familiar and at the same time unfamiliar man standing next to Mr.Tunde,his voice sounds familiar again she thought. But shrugged it off anyways as she heard Mr.Tunde's daily taunts about how ill mannered she is and how she should realise he is her teacher. "Excuse me,do you realise you're talking to a teasher! He asked.

Mr. Tunde had no ch sound instead his was a sh sound whenever he would use words like teasher and shild.(teacher and child). She was trying so hard not to burst into laughter so she bit her bottom lip and regained her poker face which could go any minute if he talked so she quickly said "Sorry sir,were you looking for me?" No it wasn't me but it is this old gentleman" he said while shooting her a glare and moving. "Oh,so what do you want please?" Hajiya told us to pick you up, Mrs.Nadia has given birth". "Oh my Allah,when how,which hospital???" She bombarded him with questions as he just chuckled. "Hey,calm down. We are going to see the baby. I also didn't see my boss's baby too". She laughed nervously and asked whether he was Mr. Azaad Malik and he shaked his head sideways saying boss is in the car.

"Oh yes!" She remembered as if a light was going on and off in her head. "You are the one who picked me when i finished writing my exams exams,right?" "Yes ma'am but sir is waiting and Mama said i should hurry and pick you. "Ok then let's get going". As they patrolled down the carpet grass outside and passed many students who were also going for the school gate,the gateman more like the security guy waved at her and shouted "Gimbiya,Gimbiya"(a way of adressing royal people). She rolled her eyes and got out of the hellhole porpularly known as school. They continued patrolling in silence as Audu(the name of the chauffeur) stopped in front of an Audi R8 and she literally stopped dead in her tracks. Everyone that got of the school gate out was looking at it. Yes,it was usual for luxurious cars to drop students at their school but not a freaking Audi R8. She mentally reminded herself to tell her sissy about how super popular she would be all due to her. "Miss please here",the driver called. She lazily walked to the owner's side and opened the door before the driver could warn her about his boss being seated at the side. She jerked back when she saw a very intimidating yet super handsome young man who looked to be in his late 20s looking forward. She gave him a look that said "move" but instead he put on an expresionless poker face. She was about to comment when the driver told her to move to the other side. She walked without saying a word because if ahe said Mr.Armaani didnt scare her she would be lying.

As she entered she turned and looked at him but he didnt say a word and the driver was too scared to even move let alone talk. Oganshi nada saje mai kyau da kowane irin namiji zai so! His boss is a shuwa arab which meant he was fair, he had straight pink lips full brows and small but cute eyes. His body was just-Masha Allah, nothing more can be said. He smelt of after shave and a rare vanilla cologne. Everything about him screamed money.

Poor Nadeen who is a talkative couldn't bare the silence and was afraid to talk so she moved and stirred but to no avail cos she couldnt get his attention. She then tried speaking,"Who are you?" "A human being", he answered uninterested. "Rude much", she muttered but unfortunately he heard her. " Fucking keep your mouth shut, your sister is going through severe pain and you're here talking as if nothing is wrong. I wont tolerate another word,and if you talk I swear on you skimpy uniform you will be out of this car faster than you opened my door."
To say she felt awkward would be an understatement, she looked down at hwr uniform and saw nothing wrong with it. She was used to wearing it,but beacause of him she pulled and pulled her skirt but it wouldnt grow longer.

Sorry the chapter was crappy. I promise to make it better next time. Please comment and vote. It's your votes and comments that motivate all writers on wattpad. Insha Allah the next chapter will be better

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