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Chapter one; Who Am I?

Violet Taron was sitting on her swing sulking. On her walk that day several people

Had stopped and stared or gasped. Or even worse, looked at her, gasped, and then screamed. She didn't get why nobody liked her! Why people were even scared of her! She hadn't been able to look in a mirror yet in her life because her " guardians" wouldn't let her in the house. Violet, ( or Vi) had just had to build a treehouse with scraps of trees she found here and there. She slept there. And once a day, Vi's " guardians" would leave a plastic plate and fork with scraps from their meal. Now Vi was there on the swing she had built. Thinking about how terrible life was. Suddenly, Vi heard the sliding- glass- door slide open, and a shaky hand poke itself out with a piece of paper in it. Vi had just enough time to glance at the name on it before it was dropped, fluttering to the ground and the door slammed closed as she heard footsteps running away through the house, growing fainter and fainter. That name on the paper was Violet Taron. And Vi had no idea why.

A/N: hi there! Just want you to know that this is my first book on Wattpad, hope you like it. Won't publish any more unless it's liked. Thanks so much for reading!

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