Chapter eight, Part one: Time passes. Part two: Let's go back a bit.

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Part One.

Vi was out. It wasn't that hard, they were all busy when she'd done it. She wandered on for hours and hours, unable to get the horrible images out of her head. She must've walked into the next state before she finally stopped at a large, empty, hidden cave. She went in, laid down on a rock, and tried to go to sleep. That wasn't easy. Finally her aching feet and weary body made her drift into a restless slumber. Ten years she stayed in that cave. She found things here and there, and slowly but surely, made a time machine. At last. She was ready. Violet. A twenty some year old woman, tired, and ready to go back and fix everything. Vi knew what time she'd go back to. A time that Lucy had told her about, ten years ago. It was when Lucy was four. She had just run away. She had found a crack in the wall of her room. Worked on it for day's. Whenever someone would enter the room, she'd hide it under a bunch of pillows. The day had finally come for her, and she was very excited. That night, she crept out the crack and escaped into the forest. But they found her. A nurse had come in right after she left, found the crack, and notified everybody. They put on sirens and everybody looked for her. Lucy had hidden in a crotch of a tree, but after just a little while, a pale face had poked up, scaring the little girl almost out of her wits. They grabbed her roughly and dragged her back to the school. They stuck her in her room, and she stayed there for almost her whole life. Yes, Vi thought, that is the perfect place to go back to. So she stepped into the machine and disappeared in a great flash of light.

Part Two.

Vi appeared on a lawn in front of a little newer vampire school. It was flashing blue and red and there were sirens. She's already escaped. Vi thought. Suddenly, she saw something streak through the trees in the forest. She started running, knowing it was either Lucy, or a deer. She found Lucy, huddled into the crotch of a tree, trembling. Vi ran over and Lucy cried out. Shh! Vi quieted her. I'm here to help you. Lucy hesitantly crawled out of the tree. Vi picked up Lucy and ran with her toward the time machine. The last thing they saw before going back to the future, was a lot of angry vampires, all jumping for the machine. ( after they left, all the vampires fell to the ground. )

A/N: Hope you liked! There's only a couple chapters left, so I have any ideas I'd appreciate them.

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