4 ღ The Black Angels

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>> Next morning

I woke up with a lot of eye crud because of all the tears I had cried last night. I blinked a few times to see clearly and very, very slowly began to disentangle myself from Brandon. My entire body ached from last night’s punishment. I moved very, very slowly as I walked to the bathroom. I finally made it to the bathroom, where I could put my hands on the counter to steady myself. I turned on the lights and looked at my face. There was a cut on my lip and a bruise on my cheek from when Brandon had slapped and punched me. I took a very long time in stripping down, wincing every time I moved my stomach too much. When I saw my stomach, I gasped and stepped away from the mirror in horror. If I thought it looked bad yesterday, it looked perfectly dreadful today. The bruises had turned into a darker shade of blue and even red in some places. I sighed and began to get ready for the day. It took me a while, but I managed to finish getting ready.

Because I had fallen asleep early, I had woken up before the sun was even up. The entire house was silent, but when I crept back into the room, Brandon wasn’t there. I stiffened in fear, looking around the room, trying to find him. A pair of cold arms touched my sides, and a shudder of fear ran through me. Brandon seemed to hesitate before fully wrapping his arms around me, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on my stomach. He tilted his head forward and kissed the tip of my ear. I wish I had the power to hurt him, to make him feel my pain a thousand times over.

“Good morning, darling.” He rasped.

I thought to stay silent, but I remember that I wasn’t supposed to ignore him. I murmured good morning before breaking free painfully and grabbing some clothes. I would rather hurt myself than stay in his arms. He sighed and headed to the bathroom, and then I went to the kitchen. Before I entered, I heard whispers. I stopped right next to the door and pressed my ear close to the wall, straining to hear the conversations. It was Sammy and Bella.

“She’s just another toy to him, Sammy! She’ll be thrown away soon enough, just like the others. We have to protect ourselves!” Bella whispered.

“No, no, she’s different. He looks at her differently, and I have a good feeling about her! Maybe she’ll be the one to change Brandon and the rest of the gang! We have to help her, Bella, she is the one!” Sammy hissed in frustration.

“We can’t risk our necks for someone who may or may not change Brandon. Sammy, maybe you are right, and he will take more time with her. Regardless, she will end up being killed eventually; no one can stop him! He is not the man he once was!” Bella said forcefully.

What? I am going to end up being killed? My hand covered my mouth in horror. So I have to help someone, who forced me to be with them and injure me, become a better person? I’m sorry, when exactly did I sign up for this? I clenched my jaw in anger. I tried to hear more of the conversation but after that, they began to talk so quickly and quietly that I couldn’t hear them. After trying a few more times, I gave up and walked into the kitchen. They immediately stopped talking and stared at me. I blatantly ignored them and started to set the table. I can’t believe they let me get punished. I thought they would help me through this. After a few minutes of quietly working, Sammy threw her towel down in frustration.

“Katherine, we need to talk.” Sammy said.

“About what? You betraying me? Don’t worry, I already figured it out.” I replied sharply.

“No, no, you don’t understand. Luke, Damon and Brandon made us not to tell you about the cameras because Brandon wanted to know exactly how you felt. They would’ve hurt all of us, and Brandon would have hurt you more than he did,” Sammy explained. Bella nodded sadly in agreement.

“I was here before Sam, so they left James behind one day. Once he gained my trust, I told him how much I hated Matt. Needless to say, I got punished. Then they made me trick Sammy.” Bella said forcefully.

I looked at them in horror. What sort of hell have they been living in? I pulled them in for a hug and made a promise to myself. When I escape, I am rescuing these girls. No one deserves this. I wonder who else was here with Brandon before. Sammy and Bella have been careful around me when talking about boys, but I overheard their conversations.

We finished up setting breakfast when James and Ricky came in. they were muttering to each other, and they seemed nervous. Matt, Luke, and Brandon walked in after them. Matt and Bella sat down, but Matt yanked her into his lap this time. He pulled her very close to his chest and began to whisper in her ear. Her eyes went wide with fear, but I don’t think Matt was angry with her. He seemed more protective right now than mad. The rest of us sat down, and Brandon seemed very tense. Suddenly, Matt sat up and looked over at Brandon.

“Brandon, we need to move. It’s not safe anymore.” Matt stated.

“Matt, I know you’re worried about Ashton, but we aren’t even sure if he’s back yet,” Brandon said, sounding strong and confident. But if you listened carefully, there was the smallest hint of doubt in his voice.

“Brandon, open your eyes! First we see all his men swarming around town, and the smaller gangs have suddenly ‘disappeared’? Ashton is back, and he’s going to snatch Bella again!” Matt shouted.

He gripped Bella’s waist even tighter, and she quietly winced. He must’ve heard though because he relaxed his grip on her waist.

Who’s Ashton? And why does he want Bella?

“That’s not even the worst part,” Brandon muttered as he kept his eyes down on his plate.

“Really? What could possibly be worse than this?” Matt demanded.

“Teresa had a change of heart. Her little vigilantes group is back, and they want to take us down. They call themselves ‘The Black Angels’.” Brandon said while sighing and leaning back in his chair.

“Who’s Teresa?” I asked. I immediately bit my lip in regret however. I didn’t want to anger Brandon with questions, especially when he was in a bad mood. He rubbed his temples and turned to look at me.

Okay, I am surely going to die like right now. You all are invited to my funeral, if these guys will keep one for me, which I doubt.

I stayed strong and looked right into his blue eyes. He stared at me for a few seconds, his lips pressed into a thin line. He grabbed my hand and rubbed little circles on my palm. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

“She’s my sister.” He replied coldly.


Okay, this chap is not what you have been expecting but still.. i just focused on clearing some doubts and all, that's why this chap is so short and not so happening :P

Next Chapter Will Be Better :*


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