5 ღ My chance to Escape

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>>> Later that day.

“Matt, we need to go to the grocery store,” Bella said quietly as she scanned the fridge for food.

 “Alright, I will take you,” Matt replied, grabbing the car keys. He swung them around his finger and began to walk out the door.

 “Um, Matt?” Bella said in a very small voice, as if she was afraid to question him.

 He stopped swinging the keys and turned around.

 “Yes, Bella?” he asked, annoyed.

 “Can Sammy-“she began to say while looking at the ground.

 “Babe, I can’t hear a word you’re saying.” Matt interrupted.

  He leaned his side against the wall and stared at Bella. I suppose she never asked anything of him. He looked curious as to what she was going to say next. Bella straightened her back and lifted up her chin so that she looked Matt directly in the eye. I think this is the most confident I have ever seen her.

 “Can Sammy and Katherine come along?” she said loudly, but not rudely.

 Matt rubbed the back of his neck and thought about it for a few seconds.

 “Only if Luke and Brandon approve,” he decided.

 Sammy and Luke had been listening, and Luke instantly gave her permission. She pecked him on the lips smiling and walked over to Bella. Luke seems to be the best boyfriend out of everyone here, not that he has much competition.

 “Um, I’ll go ask Brandon.” I said and began to walk to his study.

 I knew Bella just said my name to be polite. We all secretly knew that Brandon wouldn’t let me. Stupid control freak.

 I knocked on his study and heard him shout to come in. I quietly opened the door and cracked it open enough to squeeze my body through. He raised an eyebrow when I walked in and leaned back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head.

 “Yes, Katherine?” he asked.

 “Sammy and Bella are going to the grocery store with Matt. Could I go with them?” I asked nervously. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the door.

 “Matt, are you going to store with Sammy and Bella?” he shouted.

 “Yeah!” Matt shouted back.

 Brandon turned to me, and I got very scared by how close we were. I hated it when he touched me. I haven’t had my first kiss yet, and I don’t want a horrible man like him to take it. I took a step back to distance us, and my back touched the book stand behind me. Shoot. He took one step forward and leaned over me, carefully wrapping his warm arms around my body. He kissed my collar bone and I gritted my teeth in disgust.

 “Darling, I know you hate me because I hurt you,” he murmured in my ear.

 That’s not the only reason, but yeah it’s a big part of it!!

 “But you know it. If you think last night was painful, you will be quite surprised by the punishment you will receive if you attempt to run away today. Understood?” he said in a deadly calm voice.

 My chest was heaving in fear, and there was a lump in my throat. My stomach had sunken to my feet, and my heart was racing. I nodded quickly, too afraid to speak.

 He traced his lips up to my cheek, dangerously close to my mouth. I couldn’t help but turn my head slightly to avoid his lips, and he smirked.

 “Well, that answers that.” He whispered.

 I clenched my jaw in anger. Did anyone ever teach this boy manners?

 “You may go, darling.” He said and released me.

 I wasted no more time in darting out the door, and walking over to Matt, Bella and Sammy.

 “Took you long enough.” Matt said while rolling his eyes.

 When he turned around I stuck a tongue at him, and Bella looked at me in horror while Sammy snickered quietly. I am not sure which of them will be easier to get on board with the running away idea. I know Sammy was more understanding than Bella was about how we can’t live like this, but I think she is in love with Luke. Bella fears Matt more than she loves him. When we walked outside, I took a deep breath and let the sun soak into my skin. I hadn’t been outside for a while, and it felt nice. Bella and Sammy were taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of being outside as well. Man, we really have to escape. I don’t know if I can attempt anything today. Matt is very strict, and I am not sure I am ready for whatever hell will await if I escape and get caught. My stomach will probably will take weeks to properly heal. Besides, neither of these girls are ready to leave their monsters, and I can’t leave without them. Even though I  have to get out of here as soon as possible, I have to be patient if I want to escape, free Bella and Sammy, and bring these monsters to justice.

 When we arrived at the store, Matt made us put on sunglasses and beanies so that no one would recognize us. We also had to tie up our hair. We walked up the pavement to the store, keeping our heads low. Won’t this draw more attention to us? Bella and Sammy knew what we needed more than I did, so I just followed them around. Matt kept close to us and looked around constantly. He’s probably worried about… Ashton? I think that was the guy that Brandon had mentioned earlier. The guy that took Bella before. I wonder what he has to do with us. And why does he want Bella? No one will tell me anything though! I tried to ask Bella and Sammy questions, but they told me to ask Brandon. They know perfectly well Brandon won’t tell me either.

 When we were finishing up, I noticed another girl glancing at us suspiciously. Does she recognize us? Is she going to help us? I glanced at Matt, who was intently watching bella pick up cheese. Thank goodness, he didn’t notice the girl. Maybe this was my chance! I caught her eye and just stared at her, hoping that I could somehow push my thoughts into her mind. I was too scared to mouth anything. At least if Matt did catch us this was, it would just look suspicious. She squinted at us for a few seconds longer and then just walked away. I sighed in sadness, but when I glanced back to where she had been, I noticed there was something on the ground.

 A piece of paper. And it had some scribbling on it! Oh my gosh, what if she is trying to help me? Shoot, how do I get over there without Matt noticing?

We were in the middle of the aisle, and the paper was in front of it. Shoot, shoot, shoot. I have to get that paper! Come on, Katherine, think! You’re a smart girl! Suddenly, I got an idea. A genius idea, but a very mad idea at that.

Please, please let me have an idea that works right for once!!


Hehe do you like cliffhangers? I DO!!

Haha nothing much to say today :)

Just enjoy!



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