7 ღ Everything Wrong Round the World is My Fault

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When I woke up, I felt a strong arm on top of my waist, and Brandon was softly snoring in my ear. I tried to get out of his grip, but he just held me tighter. I sighed and began to wiggle around in his arms. After a few seconds I managed to turn around so that I was facing him. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him gently. He didn’t move. I rolled my eyes and shook him even harder. He shifted slightly, but he didn’t wake up at all. I really had to pee! I thought for a second and came up with an awful idea. This better work. I leaned towards him and pressed my lips against his cheek. Suddenly, Brandon moved, grabbed my body, and moved his lips to meet mine. He pinned me down to the bed but managed to keep his body weight off of me. My eyes shot wide open, and my heart beat erratically. My lips moved with his, out of shock and confusion. He was awake this whole time? Just so I would kiss him? I don’t think anyone has ever been so desperate.

After a few horrible moments, he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. I didn’t say a word, and he just smirked at me.

“That was a nice good morning kiss,” he said while winking. I gagged in disgust. Is he kidding me? That was a horrible way to wake up. This day has barely even started, and I already hate it already.

“Um, may I go to the bathroom?” I asked quietly. He laughed quietly but pushed himself off me. I hopped off the bed quickly and scampered to the bathroom. I got ready by just brushing my teeth and washing my face. When I headed back into the room, Brandon was lying on the bed, and he had a strange look on his face. I shook it off and walked over to the closet.

“Darling, let me see your stomach,” he suddenly said, breaking the silence. I stiffened, uncomfortable with showing him my body and my bruises. He stood up and walked over to me. I pulled my top up halfway, and Brandon raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and pulled it completely off. The bruises had begun to heal, but still they look pretty bad. His eyes went wide, and I remembered he had only seen my stomach when they were a lighter shade. They had turned to a dark purple/ blue with lines of red. He reached out a hand and gently stroked my stomach. I bit my lip to keep from gasping in pain. My stomach was constantly sore, no matter what position I was in, but I was used to it. Brandon tilted my chin up and opened his mouth to say somethinh when we were interrupted by a harsh knock on the door. Brandon sighed in annoyance, and I secretly sighed in relief. I pulled my shirt back on while he went to get the door.

“Hey Ma-“ Brandon began to say. Matt shoved Brandon aside, slamming him against the door. He stormed over to me, fury in his eyes. He slammed my shoulders into the wall.

“WHERE IS SHE?” he yelled at me. His eyes were black with anger, and his entire body was shaking.

“W-who?” I stuttered, frightened out of my mind.

What on earth was going on?

Matt punched me in the stomach, and my knees buckled as I gasped in pain. I wrapped my arms around my torso, and I sank onto the floor. Matt pulled his hand back to slap me, and I turned my head away to protect myself. Suddenly, matt was tackled to the side. I watched with wide eyes as Brandon grabbed Matt and pinned him onto the ground. Brandon’s eyes were black with anger. Matt was struggling even though Brandon had obviously won.

“WHAT THE HELL MATT?!” Brandon screamed at him. Matt glared up at him.

“Your little darling,” he said while jerking his chin at me, “helped Bella escape! I woke up, and she was gone!” Matt said in anger.

“That’s not possible you idiot. I had my arm around her waist the whole night. I would’ve woken up.” Brandon snarled back.

“How do you know?? She could have escaped, helped her leave, and came back!” Matt protested. Brandon rolled his eyes.

“She had bruises all over her stomach. She makes a single move and she will start screaming in pain,” Brandon hissed.

“Well, regardless of that, Bella is gone! Where else could she-” Matt’s eyes suddenly went wide with understanding.

“Ashton. Ashton took her. He has her again.” Matt said in a shock. His face was frozen, but a million emotions flickered through his eyes. Brandon stood up, but Matt remained on the ground. He shakily stood on his feet and sat on the bed. His head was in his hands, and his fingers were twisted in his hair.

“We-we have to find her. We have to get her back, Brandon.” Matt said, his voice was weak and scared. I stared at them in horror. Bella was gone? She had been taken? AGAIN? Whoever this guy was, I was terrified of him. Matt was very tough, so if he was scared of this guy…

“Matt, call a meeting at headquarters. Make sure everyone attends. We need to gather a search party and find her quickly. We don’t want a repeat of last time…” Brandon commanded, trying to stay calm.

Matt nodded and ran out. Brandon ran a hand through his hair and turned towards me. He kneeled in front of me and stared sadly at me. He brushed my hair out of my face, and kissed the tears on my cheek. He lifted up my shirt, and his eyes went wide.

“He had to punch you there,” he whispered.

He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He carried me to the bed and laid me down. Slowly, he peeled off my shirt and left the room. After a few minutes, he came back with an ice pack wrapped in thin towel. He very gingerly laid it on my stomach. My eyes squeezed in pain and I hissed slightly. He put a massive t-shirt over my head, which was quickly soaked by the ice pack. Brandon kissed my forehead and walked back out. He returned with Sammy, Luke, Ricky, and James.

“Okay guys, Matt and I have to go to the meeting. Katherine is in no shape to travel, so I am leaving Sammy in charge of nursing her back to health. Luke, Ricky, James, I want at least one of you with each girl at all the times. If anyone of Ashton’s men has taken a liking to them, them might snatch Katherine or Sammy.” Brandon said seriously. They all nodded somberly, and Brandon sent them all out for a moment. Brandon leaned over me and looked deeply into my eyes. He pushed his lips against mine and harshly kissed me, as if he would never see me again.

“Stay safe.” He whispered against my lips before rushing out of the room. Almost immediately, Sammy, Luke, and Ricky appeared. Luke had his arm tightly wrapped  around Sammy’s waist, and they both looked nervous. Ricky seemed to be keeping his head about this on the outside, but I could tell that he was in shock too. James was running his hand through his hair, and he couldn’t seem to keep still.

“I’ll cook you breakfast, Katherine. Ricky will guard your room for the majority of the day. James is checking all the exits of the house and securing them.” Sammy said to me before walking away with Luke.

I nodded and tried to sit up in bed. I was doing pretty well until I actually moved my stomach. My eyes shot open at the sudden stinging and I fell back down, gasping.

“Geez, what happened?” Ricky said in a shock from the doorway.

“Matt thought I helped Bella escape, so he punched me in the stomach.” I replied. Ricky rose an eyebrow.

“Really? Then why have you looked like you were in so much pain these past few days?” Ricky asked. I swallowed uncomfortably.

“You know why,” I muttered, while playing with the edge of the blanket.

Ricky sighed and was about to say something when Sammy appeared. With Luke and Sammy’s help, I managed to sit up in the bed. Sammy linked her hand with mine and looked me in the eye. I knew we were both thinking about the same thing.

Please, be safe Bella.

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The next chap will take a while to write, but maybe more COMMENTS & VOTES will speed up the process ;)  ~Shreya.  

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