8 ღ Dear mouth, can't you please Shut Up ?!

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>> Later that day.

I was drawing a girl with red curls while lying in the bed. Pencils and crumpled papers littered the bed, but Sammy said she would help me clean it up because I could barely stand. I was putting on the finishing touches when I heard the door slam open. My heart jumped in fright, and Ricky, who had been watching me draw jumped up and stood at the doorway.

“Relax guys, it’s us.” I heard Brandon call out. Ricky relaxed, and I let out a sigh of relief. Ricky helped me up, and we walked to the kitchen where everyone was sitting down. Well, everyone except Bella. Matt rested his head on his palm, and his eyes were blank. His face held no expression, but yet that made him look only more sadder. He moved his fingers in random swirls on the table, and he honestly looked lost without Bella. Like a piece of him was missing. Even though he was protective of her, he, in a very sick, twisted, disgusting way, somewhat loved her. No, I cant say he loves her. No man in here is capable of love. Just possessiveness and cruelty.

“So, good news is our best man are on the job. They will search all over the city. I have full faith they will fing her.” Brandon said, waiting for the bad news.

“But, we have no idea where she could be.” Brandon explained, “We checked all of Ashton’s old hideouts, but they were all vacant. We don’t know how long it will take to find her.”

“Have you seen any signs of Ashton at all?” Luke questioned. He was holding Sammy on his lap, and his eyes constantly flickering over to her, assuring himself that she was still there.

“Not specifically of Ashton, but get this,” Brandon said in a low voice, “I saw his old second in command, Brian, walking with some guys I’ve never seen before.”

“Where do we go from here?” Ricky said.

“We search for her.” Matt said in an unsteady voice. We all looked at him in surprise.

“We find her, and take her back. This time, no mistakes. We lat Ashton get away with it last time, and we can’t do that again. This time, he dies.” Matt said, speaking the last part with the utmost amount of truthfulness.

“We have other issues too.” Brandon said, frustrated.

“What’s wrong?” James asked.

“It’s Teresa. She left me a little message, though I have no idea how she got my number.” He said with grudging respect.

“She apparently found out about Katherine.” He said hotly.

My head shot up, and I looked at him. The leader of the Black Angels? How did she find about me? I’ve only been outside to go-. Wait a minute. Oh my goodness. Was she the girl at the grocery store? No, no that wouldn’t make sense. It’s probably not safe for her to be walking around. Maybe that girl worked for Teresa? I have a strong hunch that girl was a Black Angel. I glanced over at Sammy, and she seemed to be thinking the same thing. Our eyes met, and even though we were both distraught about Bella, a flame of hope begun to burn.

“Which is why neither of you are allowed out of this house until we take down the Black Angels.” Brandon said.

“WHAT?!” I shrieked. Brandon’s eyes darkened, and he glared at me.

Sammy and Ricky were looking nervously at Brandon, and the other boys seemed uncomfortable. My knees began to shake, knowing I was about to be punished. Brandon raised his hand, and I shut my eyes waiting for the blow. I heard a swish of air and a skin-to-skin contact, but I didn’t feel any pain. Huh? I opened one eye and was astounded by the sight before me.

Matt had grabbed Brandon’s hand to stop him from slapping me.

Everyone looked bewildered, especially Brandon.

“Don’t do it. You never know whether or not it will be the last time you see them. What if she was taken away tonight? Her last memory would be of you slapping her. Don’t do it. Not today.” Matt said in a somber voice.

Brandon opened his mouth to protest, but he just closed his eyes and shook his head. Brandon yanked his hand out of matt’s grip, and he swallowed.

“It’s too risky for you to be walking around. If any of them spot you, they might take you. Don’t you two even start by saying you wouldn’t leave us. I know very well you two would run in a heartbeat if you were given the chance.” He growled. Brandon shoved himself up from the table, knocking his chair to the ground. I cringed at the sound of the crash and watched, wide-eyed, as Brandon stomped out of the kitchen. Oh, Bella, where are you?



Okay, Matt is not THAT bad ;)

Sorry, it's boring. Next chap will be surely better :)
Travel the world with that special someone- sorry slash that. Travel the world alone .
And yeah, TJ thanks a lot for making me such a lovely trailer x) Chap is sincerely dedicated to you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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