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Be nice to everyone and be active since this is an apply fic. So comment and vote! If anything changes or you have to leave the fic just notify me. You don't have to follow me but make sure that if you're chosen, the fic is in your library so you'll know when I update.

Make sure your form is neat and complete. To send in the form either send through pm, comment, google docs, or pastebin link. If you are using google docs then share your document with me to my email.  

This is not first come first served. Your form should have good details and be realistic. Like everyone is bound to be afraid of zombies and such.


Changes: Once the slots have been filled, I will ask via wattpad if anyone has any changes they want to make to their profile. Nicknames, name, age etc.

This is a zombie apocalypse apply fic. So there will be blood, death, and horror. Please don't be rude or mean if your character or love interest dies. It won't be a walk in the park.

Tag people that would be interested aside from yourself.

A/N: Slots are up next.

World War Z APPLY FICWhere stories live. Discover now