<Main Character Form>
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Username: Angel671
Name: Park Yumi
Nickname: MiMi
Slot:The Traveler
Birthday: January 08, 1996
Age: 21
Nationality: Philippino
Weight: 102 lbs
Height: 5'2
Main Weapon: Samurai Sword/Katana
Side Weapon: Pistol
Personality: Stubborn, Easy to work with, Doesn't waste time to chat, ambitious
Talents: Running, Hand-To-Hand combat, Aiming skills
Fears: (Min 3 & Max 5): People dying in front of her, Organs, Dying
What were you doing when the chaos started? Going to the airport to go Australia.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Love Interest: Kim Taehyung(BTS)
Love Interest Slot: The Military Corporal
Age: 22
His Birthday: December 30, 1995
His fears: Not being able to protect those close to him, Heights
His Talents: Being Strategic, Aiming Skills, Observational
His Habits:(Min 3 & Max 5): Licking his lips, shaking his head, biting his nails
His Main Weapon: M16 Rifle
His Side Weapon: Pistol
Your relationship with him? Crush from College
How do you two meet? In a cafe after college
What was he doing when the chaos started? Coming back from the Military

AçãoThe outbreak itself was an accident, but the fight for survival that followed close behind wasn't. In this big shot town thousands had become undead. Across the world, millions had succumb to the infection. Chaos spreads faster than a wildfire as a...