The One With The Halloween Party III

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Dear Contest People, Uncle Joe & Leo Ford
Counting Stars (Smosh High 2) Entry 3 (Part iii)
Halloween Party III
So, this is entry three of three. It is a lot, as I said before, twice. Here is another preview of what will be in this entry. Clay kisses Noah? Ian & Olivia. Belle & David.... something. See, a lot happened within that, 5 hour party, now like 1 hour party. All of these will be from my point of view, so prepare, once, twice, again, for my judgemental comments towards Clay! In this entry, the topics that will be covered are, well, the only 3 left. Get ready to listen to some insane teenage drama, now for the third time.

I was trying to calm myself down in the attic. Once I was ready to go down stairs, I took a deep breath and walked down stairs. I wasn't ready to see what I saw.

"I'm so wasted!" Belle slurred out as she walked into the room I was currently hiding in. David mumbled some blubber. I tried to stop my breathing from coming out so loudly. The room went quiet. I assumed they left so I stood up from the corner I was in. Let's just say they didn't leave the room. That is as far as I'm getting into with that story.

"David," I heard Belle mumbled. I quietly hid behind boxes and other items, as I tried to get out of the room. There was a thump and I took my chance. I dived for the door and rolled out of the room. Someone happened to be there and I rolled into them.

"I'm so sorry!" I said standing up. He got up. I didn't know who it was until I looked at his face. "Clay!" I snarled. He looked at me.

"Hey Holly!" He stuttered. I smiled. He was too drunk to recognize me.

"Hey Clay. So who's your date to this party?" I asked with a smirk. He pointed over to Noah who looked over and waved. He wasn't as drunk as I thought he was. "Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"I prove it!" He slurred. Clay went over to Noah and started to kiss him. I gasped. What the heck was wrong with all these people. The two continued to make out. And that's all I saw. I literally almost vomited. I ran out of the house as fast as I could. My phone went off so I grabbed it quickly, hoping it was either my Uncle or Shayla. It was Josh.


I started to run over to Josh's house. It was only five houses down from the party. I knocked on the door and Josh opened it.

"Good, you're here. Stop them before they do something they regret!" Josh said pushing me over to where Olivia and Ian were. Olivia was on Ian's lap and they were making out.

"Ian! Olivia!" I yelled. The two hopped off each other.

"Babe, this wasn't," Ian slurred out. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. You won't remember this tomorrow anyways," I said sitting between them. Josh walked over and sat on the love seat. I pulled out my phone to text my Uncle Joe.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked.

"Texting my Uncle to pick us up from your house," I said as I typed that. I hit sent and looked over at Olivia, who pasted out. Josh and I looked at each other.

"I'll get the girl, you'll get the guy?" Josh suggested. I nodded and we picked them up and waited outside. Josh and I sat on his porch.

"Hey, you want to go to Ricky's with me after we get them home?" I asked. Josh nodded. "Anthony will be there too." Uncle Joe pulled up to the house in his new minivan. P.S. I'm so sorry about your old car.

"How many?" He asked.

"Two wasted people, and then the completely sober Josh and I!" I said with a smiled. Uncle Joe sighed helped bring Olivia and Ian into the car. "Once they are home, can you drive Josh and I to Ricky's?" I asked. He nodded. Uncle Joe is great. I was smirking when I wrote this down. Did you read that part Uncle Joe? We drove Ian home first, then Olivia. Uncle Joe pulled over to Ricky's

"I'll be picking you up in half an hour," Uncle Joe said as Josh and I walked into Ricky's.

"Anthony!" I said sitting at the counter. Anthony smiled.

"Two milkshakes!" Josh said. Anthony gave us two milkshakes and sat next to me.

"You thought about my offer?" I asked. Anthony nodded. We just talked and had a good time until Uncle Joe showed up and picked us up.

"What a party, huh?" Josh said. I nodded.

"You have no idea."

That's all folks! The end of the three parter. End of my horrible hell of a night. It might have seem like it ended well but the beginning was horrible, the middle was terrible, and the end was.... average. Anyway, thank you for reading this entry, which was more like three. Please, let me win this contest, after what I just saw I think I need a break, in England.
Lots of Love
        Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

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