The One With What If

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Wes's POV

I was shocked at what Clay did. How dare he hit her! I punched Clay and pulled him off of her. Katy started to black out. Lasercorn and Anthony pulled me off of Clay. Mr. Bereta grabbed onto me.

"Wes! Calm down!" Mr. Bereta said holding me back. I didn't realize I was breathing really heavily.

"You okay?" Flitz asked me. I nodded, taking deep breaths.

"Yeah, it's just he hit Katy," I said. Flitz nodded and Mr. Bereta let go of me.

"Wes, Anthony, Amra! Take Clay & Katy to the office!" Mr. Bereta said. I nodded and picked up Katy. Anthony picked up Clay and Flitz lead us to the office.

"What happened?" Mr. Ricketts asked.

"Clay punched Katy, so I punched him back," I said. Mr. Ricketts nodded.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I can't let you just get off the hook. You'll have to have a detention after school," Mr. Ricketts told me. I nodded. "Clay here, will have detention on a different day."

"Will he be removed from Writing Contest?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. Mr. Ricketts nodded.

"If we are going to represent the school in another country, then we're going to pick a student who isn't just the best writer, but who treats others the best as well." We nodded and turned to go back to class. "Mr. Johnson!"

"Yes Mr. Ricketts?" I asked.

"You know, Katy is lucky to have you as a boyfriend," Mr. Ricketts said. I blushed. Before I could correct him, he shut his office door.

"Looks like he's about a week behind," Anthony said with a grin. I nodded, not wanting them to know I still kind of liked Katy. She was a great girlfriend, but she's with Ian, so I'll move on.

"If only we could go back and change what happened," I said. Flitz nodded.

"What would've happened if Clay never showed up?" Flitz asked. We all thought about it for a moment.

No One's POV

It was Monday, November 4th, a year from now, and the gang from Smosh High was just leaving the bus. Katy ran over to Wes and gave him a kiss on the lips. Without Clay showing up, the two never broke up.

"So, our double date with Anthony and Olivia, is that still on?" Katy asked. Wes nodded and wrapped his arm around her. Anthony and Olivia were still together because Clay wasn't there.

"It better be!" Anthony said from behind the couple. Katy turned to him and smiled.

"I'm so glad Olivia and you are together," Katy said. Anthony smiled.

"Me too! I'm glad you and Wes are together. You know everyone thought you'd be with Ian," Anthony said. Katy smiled and laughed.

"Ian's a nice guy and all, but he's just well that," Katy said. The group glanced at Ian. He was sitting with Joven, Courtney, and Flitz. It was the table of single people. The friend groups have changed since last year.

"It's so weird, we use to all be friends," Wes said. The two nodded. Wes, Olivia, Katy, and Anthony were the populars. Noah, Keith, Mari, and Sohinki were the gamers. Shayne was the loner. The only people who weren't in a group was Lasercorn and Belle.

"Look! It's Lasercorn!" Anthony said causing Wes and Katy to turn. Lasercorn walked into the school. He was covered in spit up stains. His hair was messed and bags were under his eyes.

"What's he doing here?" Katy asked. Anthony shrugged.

"Lasercorn! What's going on?" Wes asked walking up to him. Lasercorn sighed.

"I need to come in and get mine and Belle's work," Lasercorn said walking into Mr. Bereta's room.

"Lcorn! Here's your work from all your guys classes!" Mr. Bereta said giving him two giant stacks of paper.

"Thanks Mr. B, Belle says hi!" Lasercorn said in a monotone voice. Mr. Bereta nodded.

"Tell her I say hi back. Oh, and hi to Tyler, Jin, and Danielle!" Mr. Bereta said. Lasercorn nodded before leaving. Without Clay, the beer at the Halloween party got spiked and Belle and Lasercorn were so drunk that they forgot something very important.

"That's what would've happened if Clay never showed up!" Anthony said. We looked at him confused.

"Well, that's kind of a bummer," Flitz said. I kind of liked that different world.

"I kind of liked it!" I said. Flitz nodded.

"Yeah, but we weren't friends, and a lot of people weren't happy," Flitz said. I nodded.

"I guess it's a good thing Clay came here," Anthony said, noting really wanting to admit that. The three of us went back to class, contemplating about Clay.

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