The One With #Screwclaybillings🖕🏻

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Dear Contest People, Uncle Joe & Leo Ford
Counting Stars (Smosh High 2) Entry 4
Sorry for the middle finger, but it's necessary. Clay is being a horrible person. So, if you recall from my first entry, Clay is the reason Noah and Keith and Anthony and Olivia. But what he did on Monday, was just brutal.

Katy's POV

It was early Monday morning, half way through English class, when Clay asked a question.

"Mr. Bereta! Why does the class let someone write down everything they do?" He asked. I looked at him, shocked.

"What are you talking about?" Ian asked. I looked at my feet.

"Care to explain Katy?" Clay asked me with a smirk. I growled at him. This was payback for me being an ass to him when he had a hangover.

"You're an ass Clay," I said causing Matthew to chuckle. I looked at him and smiled.

"No, what does he mean?" Olivia asked. I sighed.

"I've been writing about what happens at school, about you guys," I said. Almost everyone gasped.

"How dare you invade our privacy!" Noah said.

"Listen! I was only do it to pass English class!" I yelled at the class. Clay smiled.

"That's still no reason to invade their lives," Clay said. I growled at him. A lot of people agreed with him.

"Listen! It's not like I'm posting your dark secrets on the internet, I'm writing them down and telling my Uncle!" I yelled at the class.

"Do you know how much stuff happened last year, how much we don't want to tell people about?" Courtney asked. I nodded.

"If you were about to fail English, and one way you could make it up was to write about what's going on at the school, would you do it?" I asked. A couple people nodded, with them being Amra, Anthony, Matthew, Wes, and Keith.

"No, I wouldn't!" Clay yelled. A lot of people backed him up, causing me to crumble down even more.

"I didn't... I just wanted to pass English," I whispered, on the verge of tears.

"Well then why did you write about for the contest?" Clay asked. I started to cry and booked it out of the room. I couldn't get very far, so I collapsed right outside the door.

"Clay, aren't you writing something for the contest too?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, but I'm not exposing my friends to do it," Clay said. I heard Uncle Joe lightly chuckle. Now I had to peek my head inside the classroom.

"Really? Because everything that you write to the people at the contest gets sent to your English teacher," Uncle Joe said. I walked into the room a bit more.

"Ooh!" Some of the class said holding the o.

"Listen Class! Katy has written about you, and so has Clay. Now, Katy doesn't tell me all your deepest secrets. Anthony! When you were talking to Katy at the Halloween party, she cut out part of that conversation. She doesn't get into things that she promises she won't tell. Clay however, just goes on and on about everyone one of you, excluding a couple. Don't be mad at Katy, because she doesn't expose your big secrets!" Uncle Joe said. I smiled and walked back to my desk. Clay got up and walked over to me. He growled.

"What's wrong Clay? Can-" I said before getting punched in the face. There was a lot of screaming and shuffling around me. My vision was blurry but I saw a tall figure tackle Clay. I wanted it to be Ian who save me but Ian was standing in front of me.

"It's gonna be okay Katy," Ian said to me. I turned my head to where Anthony and David were trying to pull the tall man off of Clay. That was Wes.

After that everything went black. #screwclaybillings🖕🏻 I had no idea he was even doing the contest. Well, after him getting suspended for this, he won't be in the contest anymore. I guess that means it's down to two! Me versus whoever is left. Bring it on!
Lots of Love
Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

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