few things beforehand

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Hello I'm not gonna put any stupid things like faces in this when I do author notes I really wanna tell you what this story is about.
First off if you do not know me, I'm W.L this story was created at a sleep over with me and the authors in it, crazy right?

\\ May 22, 2017 \\
This story was gonna be about war and these friends Collins, Emerald, Venus, Alison, echo, and Jacqueline. Why didn't I say Piper? Well she was never really planned.. that's why she isn't really important in this story. We have a lot of things going on in this story like some of the chapters have words in the title like the chapter "It hurts" now of you haven't read the story really please do then come back to this. Well the ones with words in the title, are back stories. Maybe you already knew that mostly if you know me in real life. Now the war is "the Sapphire war" it has blue smoke and the air has a blue tint to it. Now the reason why it's blue is because it kinda sets the mood see if you watch a intense part in a movie maybe, it's usually dim and a blueish tint right? Also blue is just a pretty color. Most of these ideas come slow I take days to edit the story and months to wright it mostly with finals going on in school right now. Now most of these characters will be changed mostly cause when I was making the first 3 chapters of this story I was dating a guy who's name I do not wanna say. He was based off of Collins but my character is Emerald. We broke up a couple months ago.. now I'm dating Grell101 or Venus. I have to switch a few things so check on this often cause I may update it I'll put the date on this so u know if I have updated it or not.
Back to telling you about this story. See I'm not the happiest person in the world I don't always make happy things in chapters. So most of them are sad or have the "feels" to it. I mainly listen to music while writing so if it's a sad song that I'm listening to. Then the chapter will be sad
If it's uplifting music, then a lot will go on in the chapter like someone will find love or something good will happen. Now these characters have theme songs so does the whole "fandom"
The theme songs for the characters first are:

(( Name) song; artist. ))

Venus) Wake Up; EDEN

Alison) New Americana; Halsey

Collins) Drop In The Ocean; Ron Pope

Emerald) Warrior; Beth Crowley

Echo) Sad Song; Christina Perri

Jacqueline) Ocean Eyes; Billie Eilish
The Fandom) Youth; Daughter

These theme songs can only be changed by either me or the people they are based on now if you do not know who they are based on I'll tell you.

Emerald; Me (WeLoveThenHate
Collins; (the guy I used to date)
Venus; grell101
Jacqueline; LaRain
Echo; ExoticSushiManiac
Alison; Fandom_Lover_Strider

Now you can find MOST of these people in my following list on WattPad now for the ones that you don't know most about like Echo or Piper is because they don't tell me anything about their character see these characters are mine but if they would want to change something I would. Some things are a bit to far like echo was supposed to have powers. But I said no to that. They're normal people who have a ruff life mostly cause they where born into war basically. They where really young when it happen.

Here is a bit more info about this whole situation and you may think they are probably 16 maybe even 18 they actually are not.

// -Name
Birthday (age) \\

April 5 (14)
May 11 (14)
December 16 (15)
March 10 (15)
November 8 (15)
June 5 (14)

This tells you a lot about the story.
If you love the story I would love if you followed me I would be so happy.
This story is all mine so are the charters.
I hope you understand more
~ Dr. W.L

April 5 (15)
December 16 (15)
March 10 (16)
November 8 (15)
June 5 (15)
February 26 (13)

EDIT: (June 27, 2017)
(( Name) song; artist. ))

Venus) Wake Up; EDEN

Alison) New Americana; Halsey

Collins) Drop In The Ocean; Ron Pope

Emerald) America; XYLØ

Echo) Sad Song; Christina Perri

Jacqueline) Ocean Eyes; Billie Eilish
The Fandom) Youth; Daughter

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