Chapter 8

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*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

I wake to my alarm, hitting it to stop I sit up and look at the time. It's 9 o'clock Sunday Morning. It's date day.

I look at my phone, 8 new messages and 3 missed calls from Lozza👯. Gosh woman, why is she awake at 7 in the morning calling me!? I unlock my phone and read them.

From Lozza👯:

7:30am "Good morning, ready for your big day? WOO!!!!"

7:44am"Are you awake?"

7:58am"When are you waking up"

8:07am "Wake uppppppp"

8:20am"OMG wake up Rubes! You can't miss your date"

8:34am"Omg seriously you better not be chickening out on this date!

8:41am"If you don't answer your phone in 10 mins I'm coming to your house"

8:52am"THATS IT! I'll see you in 5"

Wait what shit, she better not be coming....

My bedroom door gets pushed open, and in she enters.

"Are you awake yet? Get up!" She comes in demanding.

"Loz, I'm awake relax!"

"I'm helping you get ready, your Mum's really excited too!"

"Oh God what did you say to her? You didn't tell her did you? She'd flip!" I exclaim.

"No Rubes, I'm not stupid. I just told her you are going on date with some guy from school."

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing." I say ashamed.

"No it's not! Now lets go. It's time to get you dressed and ready.


Lauren is doing the finishing touches for my make up. I'm so nervous, feel like I could vomit. Do I really want to do this? I have ten minutes until he'll be here, I could so easily call it off. Just send him a message and say 'Sorry about to vomit, can't make it'.

"Alright you're all done. Have a look in the mirror." Lauren says.

I turn and have a look at myself in the mirror. Well, who is that good looking chick starring back at me? Oh, I joke. But seriously, I look good, too good. Maybe I should just go in track pants and ugg boots? What am I doing! I simply can not do this, I'm going to message him.

"Nup, I can't do this." I say.

"What do you mean!?" Lauren screams.

"I'm going to message him, this is too weird, I cant do it." 

*Ding Dong*

Oh no, was the the doorbell? Oh god, it's too late. What do I do now? Should've messaged him earlier.

"Oh my god! He's here! You Ready?" She asks.

"Uh, not really..."

I pick up my bag and begin to head towards the front door when suddenly Lauren screams.

"OH MY GOD!" She cries out.

"What!?" I ask concerned. 


Fuck, I haven't even thought about this part. Lauren is not at all mentally prepared for this moment. How do I tame her? She's going to scare him off. Maybe that's not a bad thing? Oh god, she's hyperventalating. He's going to realise how young I am, just from Lauren's reaction. Oh god, Mum's going to catch on that something isn't quite right either. 

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