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After what seemed to be the longest road ever, we've finally reached a point where the road ends and connects to a long driveway and next to it the beginning of a pathway. The pathway is long, narrow and overgrown by nature. Joseph gets out of the car and opens the door for Ollie and myself. He then goes around to the boot of the car and pulls out a basket then hands it to Ollie. Joseph jumps back into the car and heads down the driveway. Ollie Turns and looks at me and holds out his hand, I smile and take it and we proceed to walk down the path. 

As we walk I take in the serenity, I focus on what I can hear, Birds chirping, a slight wind blowing through the trees, water falling. Hmm, I wonder if theres a waterfall? 

"I hope you're not afraid of the dark" He says.

"Oh, no I'm not that bad with darkness, but if we get lost we might have a problem." I reply.

He laughs, "Don't worry, I know this place like the back of my hand"

He must come here a lot, I wonder who with? Does he take a lot of girls here? Probably.

His facial expressions change, I wonder if he can tell what I'm thinking. 

"I used to come here everyday in the Summer. Our family holiday house is just next to here and I would always escape to write music." he explained.

Woah, he did read my mind. "Oh really? Is that where that driveway lead to?" I ask.

"Yeah, its much easier to get to here through the backyard, but I thought this walk would be nicer."

"Well, I'm enjoying it" I smile at him.

He smiles at me. We continue walking and in the near distance I can see a big white tent. It's about the size of decent sized bedroom. I wonder if thats where we're going to. 

"Almost there." he says.

As we reach the tent, Ollie instructs me to stay where I am and he'll get me when he's ready. I'm standing awkwardly waiting for about half a minute and he comes back around to my side of the tent and grabs my hand. Pulling me along with him we reach the entrance and we step inside. 

Wow! In the back left corner theres a dozen, maybe two dozen pillows stacked on top of a rug. To the left of the pillow stack theres a little table with a monitor on it and a laptop, opposite this on the wall is a huge screen. In the right corner his guitar case is splayed out on the ground. Then in the middle of the room is a little table only a foot off the floor that has all our food on it. I walk around the room amazed by the effort gone into this set up.

"Do you like it?" Ollie asks.

"Oh Ollie, this is amazing, how did you come up with this?" I ask.

"I saw something like this in a movie once and I thought I should try it one day."

I smile at him, and he gestures me to sit. I take one of the pillows and place it next to the food table. Ollie joins me, and he serves me some food. We have sandwiches, salad, fried rice, and a barbecued chicken. Who would've thought food so simple could taste so good. We eat in silence and I really want to break the silence but I don't know how to start a conversation. I look at him and catch him already looking at me. I blush. 

"Tell me something interesting about you." he asks.

Um, me interesting, the words just don't match. I think about my options. I'm still in school? That would be an interesting one for him to hear. 

"There's not a lot to tell you." I explain.

"Oh surely there is! Something has probably happened in the last week that was interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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