Last Minute Packing

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It's been Six months since the last time I saw Harry, he's been off touring the world with the rest of 1D living the dream life. I've missed them all like crazy so I'm super excited to be flying to LA to surprise them all tomorrow, why am I feeling so nervous?

As I finalise any last minutes additions to my suitcase I start to imagine their faces when I show up in less than 24 hours with no notice. As I begin to worry I am thrown out of my thoughts with the sound of my phone going off. After struggling to get up out of the mess, that is suppose to be my suitcase, I reach my phone and a huge smile covers my face.

Harry🦁🌟- Hey Emmie, just wanted to say that I miss your face and can't wait to be home in 2 months. It's not the same without you here, hope you're okay X

Lou💋 - Hey gal, just double checking what time your flight lands tomorrow? The lads are on stage from 7, so I reckon you come after it starts and wait back stage with me, Lux and Lottie. Missed ya lots xo

I reply to Lou instantly agreeing with her, We really bonded last time I went to stay with the lads whilst they were on tour last, her and Lottie are the only ones that know I'm coming. Man I miss them all so much. I click onto Harry's message and don't reply straight away, I need to be normal but not too normal incase he's gets onto me coming.

'Hey H, missed you too pal. I'm doing good, how's the tour going? Hope you aren't driving everyone crazy just yet ahaha can't wait for you to come home too, hopefully the next two months will hurry up!! Love ya x'

The conversation with me and Harry lasts a few hours on and off until it's time for him to go, even though it's been so long I'm still not used to the stupid time zones, I'm gonna be fucked after this flight. After another hour, I've finally finished packing and headed to bed. I've got a big day ahead of me and still can't decide if I'm just excited or nervous.

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