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After a long ass 11 hours I am finally in LAX, I text Lou once again informing her that I'll be at the venue in just over an hours time. I wait patiently for the next 15 minutes for my yellow suitcase to arrive on the conveyer belt and head towards the exit, struggling with the amount of luggage I decided to bring. As I walk through the arrivals, I search for the complete stranger with my name on a board, courtesy of Lou. I finally spot him and walk over with a smile. "Oh my you must be Emilia, it's lovely to finally meet you, I'm Ashton Irwin, I'm friends with the 1D lads. I've been sent on this mission by Lou. Here let me help". He instantly reaches down and take the luggage from me ease. "Jesus what the fuck have you got in there!?" he laughs as he leads me to the Car.

Once we finally reach his car and load it with my all of my shit, we drive to the venue. "All of the lads won't stop going on about you, Harry especially. Me and my band are supporting them on their tour, it's been sick so far." Ashton tells me whilst keeping his eyes on the road. "Wow really, that's amazing!? What's your band like. I haven't seen them in so long I can barely remember what they look like" he informs me about his band 5 Seconds of Summer, they're Australian (which I gather from his thick accent), Ashton plays the drum, Mikey and Luke play the guitar, Calum plays the bass and they all sing, even though Luke is main vocals.

After a few more minutes of idle chit chat we arrive at the venue,  I can already hear the singing and the screams and my stomach drops. "I'm so nervous"  Ashton just laughs at me "You can't be serious, the way the boys have been talking about you, there's no need to be
nervous. They love you and they'll be amazed when they see you I promise, let's go inside"

We decided to leave my stuff in the car Ashton had borrowed since we'll be using them afterwards to get back to the hotel. We use the back entrance so nobody sees me. As I get closer and closer to the dressing room, I hear that familiar girly laugh that could only belong to Lou. Ashton opens the door slowly to 'build the suspense' (his words not mine) and shouted "SURPRISE". Lou shushed him and dragged us both in quickly and shut the door. She pulled me into a hug, "God I've missed you, Harold only behaves when you're around."  I laugh and walk over and hug Lottie. Lux is completely oblivious to my arrival as she's distracted playing with her dolls in the corner of the room. I walk up and kneel behind her and start tickling her sides. She squeals with excitement and tries everything she can to get away from me, she instantly knew it was me so she relaxed and turned to face me and gave the biggest hug she could possibly manage.  "I've missed you  Auntie Emmie" "Aw Lux baby I've missed you too" I gave her a quick peck on her head. She's grown so much since the last time I saw her. 

Our cute moment was interrupted by Ashton knocking on the door and telling us the lads set has just finished. "Shit, what do I do?" I panic and look and Lottie and Lou. "Go behind the door" Lottie points and I slide behind it so still looks the same as before. A second later the bunch of boisterous boys I know and love bound through the door buzzing from the energy of performing. My hearts melts knowing that they're this happy. "That was the sickest show yet" Louis comments whilst grabbing a red bull from the fridge and passing them around. "Nothing can beat this, ever" Harry joins in opening his can. I take a deep breath and step out from behind the door. "Oh yeah?" I question boldly.

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