Day 1

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I wake up to the sound of laughing, cheering and singing and I instantly feel at peace, this is where I should be. I open my eyes and Harry's peaceful, sleeping face is directly next to mine, his mouth open slightly and his eyes softly shut. He has this one curl hanging across his forehead, this happens every single time he falls asleep. He is just so fucking adorable. As I'm lying there admiring his face his eyes open and he smiles. "Morning Emmie, enjoying the view?" His morning voice cracked.I giggle at him and climb out of his bed, allowing him some time to wake up. After adjusting my hair I pad into the kitchen area where all the lads are deep in conversation. "What happened to sleeping on the sofa??" Louis teases. "Well I was.." I begin to explain but I was soon interrupted by a husky voice behind me "We were just talking and we feel asleep I guess" "yeah yeah whatever" Niall snorts. "Right guys we have to be a rehearsals in 30 minutes, you coming with Em?" Liam's asks whilst finishing his coffee. "Yeah, let me get a shower and I'll be there"

30 minutes later we're all dressed and we've arrived at the arena. We walk backstage and I'm suddenly thrown around in the arms of someone I haven't seen yet. I finally click when I heard that same laugh from the car on the way from the airport. "ASHTON PUT ME
DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" I laugh and he sets me down on my feet. "Sorry Ma'am" "how on earth do you two know each other" Louis laughs and grabs a drink. "He was my ride from the airport, Lou sent him" I explain. "Omg Emilia come with me and see the rest of 5sos" "5sos??"
"Yeah my band remember?... 5 seconds of summer" he turns around and walks out the door and I follow him. He leads me down the hall to a room labelled '5sos'. Them nervous feeling came back. I wonder what they're like.

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