L.A Bound

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm echoing around my room.... 6:30am... just perfect. I am not a morning person even on the best of days, my bed is my happy place and I would stay in it forever if it was possible. The only thing that forced me to climb out of bed and get in the shower is the thought of going to breakfast with my family before my flight and finally seeing Harry and the lads.

Me and Harry have always been closer.
It's not that I'm not close with the others, they're like brothers to me, It's just that me and Harry have a different type of relationship.We fit together perfectly, like we're the same person. I've always had a soft spot for that curly-haired boy, since the day we met. I don't know what it is about him, we just come together like magnets, it's weird. The lads have always teased about us getting together but nothing's ever happened, even though the news articles think the complete opposite and have already married us off with a secret baby. It's funny how people will believe anything they write, I've just learnt over the years to laugh along with it.

After I've showered, I head back into my room to get changed. I throw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, an oversized  grey jumper and my adidas superstars. I half dry my long, light brown hair and quickly braid it, I don't want my hair everywhere when I'm about to be on a 11 hour flight. I moisturise my face and apply a sheer layer of foundation/concealer, My skin is pretty clear so I never really wear excessive amounts of makeup, however it just brightens my face to make me look somewhat alive. After putting on mascara and some cocoa butter lip balm, I'm done.

My flight isn't until 1pm but I'm going out breakfast with my parents, Brad and Louise and my older brother, Luke whose 25. Before we are even handed the menus I know what I want to eat, Eggs Benedict of course. (Even though I hate mornings, I absolutely love breakfast. Makes no sense I know.)  After ordering we make small talk until my mum pipes up. "I can't believe today's the day, it's flown. Are you sure you've got everything? I mean we can get extra on the way to the airport. That's if you want to of course, either way i..." "Mum leave her alone, she's had weeks to get things sorted, I'm sure she'll be fine. Right Sis?" My brother intervenes, he digs me in my side with his elbow and winks at me.

My brother Luke knows the lads pretty well, as we've all hung out a lot when they've been home. He also agrees with the boys that something has to happen between Harry and Me, as much as he doesn't like the thought of me being with anyone. My dad laughs along with it "Just ignore them both Em, just do whatever makes you happy" as soon as the words leave his mouth our order arrives.

I hate saying bye to my family, I know I'll only be gone a month and I'm usually gone that long when I go to Uni, however this time is different. I'm going to be halfway across the world, not a few hours away, I quickly hug them all and tell them I love them and head to my gate. I  text Lou saying I'm about to board the plane and put my headphones in to drown out the noise of the flight.

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