Back to the bus

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"HOLY SHIT" all four boys shout in complete shock before running at me and squishing me into a group hug. "We've missed you so much Emmie" Niall exclaimed excitedly. "How have you been?" Liam smiles whilst untangling from the hug to give me some space to breathe. "I've been good, so much better now". Harry is still just standing there in shock "Haz? You alright?" I question whilst walking back over to him to pull him into another hug. "Yeah.. I mean I'm great.. I'm just so confused. You were just texting me before about missing us, how did you even plan this!?" I explain about my plan with Lou and Lottie and how it's been planned for two months.

The boys get changed out of their sweat riddled clothes and we're on our way back to the buses and Louis pipes up "erm guys... I've just realised i broke the spare bed remember!? Where's Emmie gonna stay, she has to stay with us because I'm not letting her out of my sight" "Louis don't worry, I'll happily sleep anywhere you know me, the couch will be perfect" he huffs in annoyance "okay, just for a few nights, I promise I'll get the bed fixed soon"

Before I know it we're all spread out over the couches laughing about old times. Louis, Niall and Liam decide playing some FIFA and me and Harry just sit there watching them enjoying the company. I'm lying in between Harry's legs, his arms are wrapped round my front and he head rests on mine. "I can't believe you're actually here, I can't put into words how much I've missed you Emmie" he whispers into my ear. Obviously not quiet enough as the lads start laughing "Aw I think our little Haz has gone soft" Louis teases. After a hour or so, we all decide to go to bed. All of the lads one by one give me and hug and a kiss on the head and head off to bed. All except Harry who pulls me into a bear hug. "You can have my bed if you want, not sure how good the couch will be if you're gonna need to sleep properly" I push myself off him slightly and look at his sleepy face "Haz, you've been performing all night, all week in fact. You need it a lot more than I do." I lean up and kiss his cheek indicating for him to go. "Fine, but if you get lonely, or wanna talk, or... anything. Just come and wake me up. Okay!?"

"Okay Haz, goodnight!" I pull away from him and walk towards the couch, I turn around to see him sleepily wandering to his bed. God I've missed this.

I wake suddenly to the sound of shouting, I rip the quilt off of myself and race towards the beds. Only to find all 4 boys soundly asleep, I quickly pull back the curtain and check everyone's okay. Everyone seems fine, except for Harry. I pull back the curtain and he's dripping in sweat, tossing and turning. I slowly nudge him to wake up and he opens his eyes and stares right into mine. "Emmie!? hold on what's going, are you okay!?" He started to look worried awaiting my response. "Haz I'm fine, it's you that not. Look at yourself." He's all sleepy and confused and I just giggle to myself "did you have a bad dream? You were shouting in your sleep." He now looks around his bed in search for answers. "I have no idea, I don't remember a thing" he laughs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Please stay with me?" He looks at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. "Fineeee" I pretend to complain, when actually it's the best idea he's had all night. We've shared a lot of beds together and I just sleep so much better with him next to me. I climb into his bed and cuddle into his heavily tattooed arms, feeling instantly at rest. "Goodnight Haz" "Goodnight Love"

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