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As Ashton opens the door my eyes meet with a tall, green-haired guy. "Well hello there" he winks as I walk into the room. "Mikey shut the fuck up and leave her alone" Ashton laughs and pushes Mikey onto the couch behind him, Ashton goes into the next room to collect the other two band members. "Rude" Mikey rolls his eye and he looks at me again. "Sorry babe, I'm Michael Clifford, who are you?" "Hi.. Erm.. I'm Emilia, I'm best friends with the 1D lads" "Ah its lovely to finally meet you" a dark-haired lad wandered over and hugged me, he let's go and introduces himself, "I'm Calum Hood" "Hi". The final band member walks through the door and just stops dead in his tracks "I'm Luke" he said with wide eyes "Luke Hemmings" He's just as tall as Mikey and his hair is blonde but a lot lighter than Ashton's. "Well its lovely to meet you all, Ashton has told me all about you. Guess we're going to see a lot of each other for the next month" "it's going to be sick" Ashton chimed.

For the next few minutes we just talk about the tour until Harry walks through the door. "Hey lads, you ready for rehearsal we're starting with you lot in 5" he walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Lou's just got here if you wanna come and see her" he asked. "Oh yeah I'd love too, see you later" I call out to the 5sos boys.

Lou, Lottie, Lux and the rest of the 1D lads are sitting in the crowd and whilst 5sos mess around with their instruments on the stage ready to start rehearsals. "This one is called she looks so perfect" Mikey says through the mic and winks at me. Everyone starts laughing except for Harry. Louis looks at Harry and mouthes "what's up" Harry just shrugs and walks off. "What the hell is wrong with him all of a sudden??" I question everyone, while getting out of my seat to follow him.

I reach the dressing room and he's just sitting there on the couch with his head in his hands. "Haz? What's wrong?" I ask while kneeling in front of him and lifting up his head so I can see his face. "Nothing love, don't worry" "Harry, you won't even look me in the eyes, we tell each other everything right?" He suddenly looks at me straight in the face "Please Emmie, I'm okay" he stands up, walks to the bathroom and locks the door. I huff in defeat and move to the couch taking my phone out of my pocket, I have a text from Louis.

Louis🥕- Emmie, What's up with Haz!? Is he okay!? We're on in 10

Emmie🍕- Hey, I don't know what's up with him. He told me to not ask. He'll be out in 10 don't worry x

I walk over to the bathroom door "Haz, please come out, your on in 10. I know you won't want to miss it. Have I done something wrong? I'm sorry if I've done anything" the door unlocks and Harry wraps his arms around me. "No love, you couldn't never do anything wrong don't worry, come on" he grabs my hand and drags me back to everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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