chapter one

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The movie ended, and I stepped out of the movie house, into the sunlight. I hung back as the rest of the people, mostly socs, filed out and to their cars. I picked at the loose threads on the holes of my jeans and put my hair in a messy pile of a bun on top of my head. I dropped to my knees and tied my boot before standing and beginning my walk home.

The sun beat on the back of my head, and my leather jacket caused sweat to drip down my back. I peeled it off and carried it at my side. I had just decided to make a detour to the gas station to grab a cold pop, when a blue Mustang rolled down the street and slowed to a stop next to me.

The window lowered and inside I saw a pack of male socs. They called to me, but I just wiped the sweat off of my forehead and kept walking.

"Hey," one of them said, "I'm talking to you." I still ignored them. "You need a ride, dollface?"

"No." I clenched my jaw and kept walking.

"No need to be rude," the driver sneered.

I reached for my switch, but the Mustang sped down the street and around the corner, out of sight. However, when I turned that very same corner, I saw the whole group of socs, along with their blue Mustang.

They were surrounding a boy who was on the ground. One of them had a blade out, while he was pinning the boy down. I hate to say that ordinarily, I would've walked the other way. But I took a good look and realized that the boy on the ground was a greaser. And greasers stick together.

I dropped my leather jacket on the ground and sprinted towards them. When I reached the gang of socs, I shoved one them to the ground and punched another in the face. Before they could process what was happening, I kicked the face of the guy that was on top of the greaser.

The socs jumped back in surprise and began to dispatch. I realized that it wasn't just because of me. Suddenly, they were being pushed and punched left and right. There was a muscular man there, along with a slightly slimmer boy. Several more greasers appeared and the socs jumped into the Mustang and sped off.

The muscled man hauled the greaser on the ground to his feet. He began shaking the boy and saying, "Ponyboy, are you alright?"

I felt a hand on my wrist, and I spun around to yet another greaser, who snatched my switchblade out of my hand. "Hey!" I whined, and brought my knee up into his crotch. He doubled over and let loose of my blade. I snatched it up and went to punch him, when another greaser came towards me. I was prepared to fight him, too.

But a pair of arms flew around me from behind. I reared back and tried to hit the person in the face with the back of my head, but he moved backwards. We fell in a heap onto the ground. I twisted and tried to escape his grasp. He pulled me into his lap and held my arms firmly, but gently.

The boy holding me began to whisper shushes into my ear. My breathing slowed and I began to calm down. We were still in a heap on the ground when the muscley man approached us. He knelt down and said, "Ponyboy over there says you helped him. That true?"

I just looked at him.

"Says you kicked those socs' butts."

I looked down.

"Soda," he said, "I think you can let her go."

The arms around me slowly loosened, but didn't fully untangled from me. The boy cautiously stood, bringing me up with him. He slowly released me. I spun around.

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