Chapter 11 - Combined Chapter

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Elena POV

I knew where Rae went. She loved it there. She went to the Owlery. I walked in and watched for a moment.

“Can you tell me what the hell is going on? Does Fred really feel that way about me?”

“Yeah he does.”

“Now, Angelina hates me even more. I wish we could go back to first year and start everything over. It’s getting late we should go.” She nodded and we went to finish homework. Tomorrow was Saturday. Curfew is later.

Oliver was waiting for me. He didn’t look very happy, “Angelina told me everything.”

“What?” I looked at Rae confused.

“You were using me to make Fred jealous. You don’t care about me.”

“I like you a lot. I wasn’t using you. Why would you believe that?” I was on the verge of crying. Fred and George were watching.

“Why would she lie?”

I was getting upset. “Are you think or something?! After everything that happened today, you believe her!” I started crying. I storm up the stairs and went straight to bed.

I was walking through a house. I saw little me flying around with mom on my baby broom. My mom was talking to Lily who was holding Harry.

“Mama! Watch me!” I cried happily.

“I see you,” she laughed. All of the sudden James came running in.

“Hide the kids. He’s coming. He knows were here.”

“I swear I wasn’t followed! I made sure,” my mom said picking me up. I started crying and my mom tried shushing me. She walked toward Harry’s changing and hid me in the cabinet. She was going to help Lily protect Harry.

I saw my mom and Lily go down and a spell was cast. It hit me and Harry!

I woke up screaming. I ran to see my dad. It was really late at night.

**Rae's POV**

I woke up to Lena screaming. I pulled back the curtains to see her running out. She'll have gone to see Da- Lupin. For a moment I consider following her, then I roll over and go back to pretending to be asleep. I've been lying in bed for hours, just mulling things over in my head. Lena and Oliver had a fight earlier, something that Angelina had said, now Lena's having the nightmare again. At least she remembers something from her childhood. I can't remember anything before I was about six.

I roll onto my back and stare up at the dark canvas above me. I can hear Alicia's deep breathing, but Angelina is silent, so I know she's awake. I sigh deeply and curl up in a ball. I wonder what fresh dramas tomorrow will bring.


**Oliver's POV**

I pace the common room, waiting for Elena to come down from her dormitory. It's a Saturday so she could conceivably stay in there all day. I glance at my watch. We should be practicing, but I need to sort this out first. When Angelina told me Lena had been using me to make Fred jealous I reacted badly. I was always a little jealous of the attention Lena gave Fred, as silly as it may seem. I think I know deep inside that she likes him, but whether she likes me more... Well, that's up to her to tell me.

I'm standing and waiting when Rae emerges from the staircase. She's pale and looks exhausted.

"Rae, where's Elena?" I ask immediately. Rae rolls her eyes.

"Upstairs," she says, going to walk past me.

"Can you go and get her?" I ask. Rae rubs her eyes.

"Why don't you just wait?" she asks, "she'll be down in a bit."

"Are you sure?" I press, "couldn't you just-"

"Yeah, okay," she sighs, turning back to the dormitories. She disappears and I hop from foot to foot, waiting. A few moments later Rae emerges again.

"She's asleep," she says, "I'm not waking her, she didn't sleep well last night."

I groan in frustration.

"Why do you need to talk to her, anyway?" Rae asks, leaning against the couch, "seemed like you were pretty ticked off last night."

"I was overreacting," I sigh.

"Seems to be a lot of that going around," Rae sighs. I step back and look at her. She's got bright blue eyes and dark curly hair falling in a mess around her shoulders. Looking at her I can tell that she's quite pretty, something I didn't notice at first, unlike Lena, whose beauty sort of shines out. Thinking of Lena, a smile tugs at my lips.

"I just want to fix it," I tell Rae earnestly. She looks at me. Her eyes burn into me, I feel like I'm being judged. After a moment she looks away.

"Well, good luck with that," she says, standing up, "if anyone is looking for me..."

She laughs bitterly.

"Nevermind," she sighs. I watch her walk out and turn back to the dormitories. How late will Elena sleep?!

**Rae's POV**

After my talk with Oliver I was going to go down and have breakfast, but I find myself not even slightly hungry. I decide to go for a walk and see if I can find that stray dog again. The weather is cool and there's a sharp wind whipping across the grounds. I walk down close to the Quidditch pitch and see Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Fred, George and Harry waiting for Oliver. Angelina is standing slightly apart from the others, tracing something in the dirt with her toes. Fred and George are standing close together, talking intently. I walk by quickly, hoping they won't notice me.

I walk around Hagrid's hut and into the Forest. The Forest has never really scared me. Although, I've never been more than a few hundred metres in. I walk around the edges, wondering if the dog will show up. I hear a meow behind me and spin around, but there's no cats any where. Feeling slightly nervous I turn around again and see the dog standing a few metres away from me. My face breaks into a smile.

"Here boy!" I call. He trots up to me and barks happily. I give his ears a scratch.

"I need some more advice," I say, sitting down at the base of a tree. The dog curls up next to me, resting his head  on my knee and looking up at me. I stroke his head slowly, thinking about Lena and Oliver. I open my mouth, then pause.

"I don't have a family," I tell him. He sits up very quickly, making me jump. He lets out a long whine. I stroke his ears and he lies down again.

"See, when I was growing up I thought that I had a Dad and a sister, but it turns out I was adopted," I sigh, "and my real dad. Well... He's a murderer."

A tear rolls down my cheek and the dog huddles closer to me.

"This year has been so difficult," I sob, "and... I don't know, I just feel like no one has time for me."

The dog whines again and I laugh.

"Except you," I say, hugging him tightly. I stand up and brush my pants off, then look for a stick. I pick one up and test the weight.

"Do you know how to play fetch?" I ask. The dog barks and leaps around playfully. I throw the stick through the trees and watch as he runs after it. He brings it back and I reach out to take it, but he dances out of reach.

"Hey!" I cry, laughing. I chase after him, and grab the stick.

I return to the dormitory a few hours later. Lena is sitting on her bed doing some homework.

"Where've you been?" she asks absently, scratching something out. I smile to myself.

"Oh, no where."

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