Chapter 3 - by xXMade2LoveXx

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**Rae's POV**

Elena has been acting weird. I mean, more weird than usual. Today I swear she almost growled at Fred.

"Have you finished the essay yet?" George asks. I look around from the window and shake my head.

"Sorry, I've been distracted," I say, "I've got to go, I'll see you after dinner and I'll check your essay then."

I pack up my stuff and go to find Elena. Predictably, she's lying on her bed, staring up at the canvas above her. I sit down on my bed and throw a pillow at her.

"What's up?" I ask. She sighs and sits up, looking at me.

"Oliver asked me to go to a dance with him," she says, "the seventh years are having one and I said I'd go with him."

"With with him?" I ask, my eyebrows shooting up. Elena half shrugs, but nods.

"Oh my Gosh, Lena, are you for real?" I exclaim, "I thought you were into Fred! You said you were into Fred."

"I was, I am," Elena sighs, "I don't know how I feel, okay? I just... I like Oliver too."

"So, is this why you growled at Fred?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh, you saw that?" she groans, "what am I going to do? I growled!"


"Rae!" Elena cries, "my father is a werewolf and I growled!"

"Ellie, werewolves are made, not born," I point out, "he can't have passed the curse on to you."

"How do you know?" Elena cries.

"El, the werewolf blood isn't active unless the werewolf is in wolf form," I tell her, "the curse can't be passed on unless the blood is active and I'm fairly sure that you weren't conceived while Dad was in wolf form, since Mum would have died. Literally."

Elena looks at me doubtfully and I shrug.

"Even if the curse was passed on, there's nothing you can do about it," I tell her, "but there is something you can do about the Fred-Oliver situation."

"Which is?" she asks.

"Be fair," I tell her, "you've been flirting with Fred for years, so if you're going to go around with Oliver, at least be nice to Fred. Don't cut him off."

"Rae, do you ever think they just hang out with us because we do their work?" Elena asks.

"No," I tell her, "I don't think that they're like that. I think you know that too."

"But think about it, they don't really hang around with us unless-"

"El, stop," I interrupt, "just trust them, yeah? There's not many people you can trust, so when two come along, you've got to go with it."

I get up and walk out, needing fresh air. I run down stairs and out into the grounds. I take long, deep breaths of the air and sink down into the long, cool grass.

"Hey, Blackheart."

I glance behind me and see Isaac, another Gryffindor fifth year who I'm mates with.

"Hi Zac," I smile, "how's the music coming?"

He shrugs and sits down next to me, his guitar on his lap.

"I can't quite get the song right," he says.

"Show me," I say. He blushes a bit but starts strumming and singing.

"Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk Of a day -I-ay-I-ay I met a little girl and we stopped to talk Of a fine soft day -I-ay And I ask you, friend, what's a fella to do 'Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue*... That's all so far," he says, flicking his hair off his face.

"It's great!" I tell him, "who's it about?"

He looks down at his guitar, running his fingers over the strings.

"Well, Rae, it's about you," he says.

I feel my mouth fall open. My life just got a bit trickier.

*The Galway Girl - Earle Steve

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