Chapter 13 - Combined Chapter

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Elena POV

Rae came upstairs. I was on my bed writing. “Lena, Lupin is downstairs with Oliver and Fred.” I sighed and looked at her.

“I don’t want to deal with them right now. I’m still really angry with them.”

“Remus wants you down there.”

“I know. Tell daddy I don’t want to deal with them.” I turned back to writing.

“I heard from George and Katie that Oliver kicked him off the team.” I was angrier now.

“OLIVER DID WHAT NOW?!” I yelled really loud and I knew they could hear me. I put down my quill and walked downstairs well more stormed down.

“Why would you take him off the team? Do not lie to me Oliver.”

“He did it because we’re friends,” Fred started to say.

“I didn’t ask you Fred,” I said hotly. He frowned. I looked at Oliver expectantly.

“I did it for you.”

“I never asked you too.”

“I was jealous of Fred. I always have been.”

“Look, I really like you but if you do not put him back on the team then I’ll hate you. He’s my best friend. He loves that game almost as much as jokes.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad smile and Fred beamed at me though his eyes showed sadness.

“You’re right. Fred, I’m sorry. You’re back on. We have practice to finish.”

My dad sighed. “Can you get Rae for me? It’s important I tell you something.” My dad looked really sad.

I ran up to Rae. “Dad’s really sad; He has to tell us something important.”

Rae followed and Dad had us sit down in front of him. “Girls you have the same mother.”

**Rae's POV**

I stare at Remus, disgesting what he's just said. We have the same mother. I look over at Elena. She's grinning like mad.

"I knew you were my sister!" she squeals, launching herself at me. I dodge out of the way. I feel sick to my stomach.

"Rae-" Remus begins. I shake my head.

"How?" I ask, my voice cold.

"How what?" Remus asks gently.

"How did I happen?" My voice is disjointed. It doesn't sound like me.

"Maybe we should go down to my office," Remus suggests softly.

"No," I shake my head firmly, "just tell me."

Remus sighs.

"Your father and his girlfriend wanted to have a baby," Remus says, "they had been trying for a few years when Rose, your mother, fell pregnant with Elena. While she was pregnant we talked with your dad and his girlfriend and Rose offered to be a surrogate for them."

"So what happened to Dad's girlfriend?" I ask. Remus shakes his head slowly.

"I don't know," he admits, "she was taken by Death Eaters and never came back after the war."

"Great, so my biological mother is dead, my father is an escaped convict and my adoptive mother is either dead or abandoned me," I say, "well that's just great."

I walk over to the portrait hole and jump out. I head up to the Owlery, needing some space and quiet for a while to gather my thoughts. I only wish it didn't smell so bad.

I push the door open and step in. Immediately I see someone else and I sigh to myself, then George turns around and smiles at me. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Hey," he says, "I, uh, just needed some space."

"Me too," I say, "sorry, I'll just..."

I motion to the door and take a step back.

"Oh, no, it's fine," George says quickly, "I was leaving anyway, the smell... Uh, I was going to sneak up to the astronomy tower, if you wanted to come?"

I shrug. He smiles and leads the way up to the tower. We're not actually meant to be up here, but I don't really care and neither does George. We sit opposite each other, leaning on the wall.

"So, space, huh?" George says, "seems like the right place if you need it..."

I smirk at his poor joke.

"So, why did you need space?" I ask. He shrugs, leaning his head back on the wall.

"Ever feel like you're on the fringe of something?" he asks, "like you're not a part of it, but you're too connected to be completely out of it?"

"Story of my life," I sigh, "sometimes it feels like no one can even see me."

George picks up a telescope and looks through it at me.

"I see you," he says, "ugh, what is on the end of your nose?"

I laugh, covering my face with my hands. George rolls the telescope acros the floor to me.

"They say to see the big picture you need to stand back," he says, "if you're already standing back maybe you need something to help you see it."

"While that's a surprisingly wise thing to say, I'm not the one that needs to see," I say, playing with the telescope.

"Lupin and Elena?" George guesses. I shrug in reply.

"The question is do you want to be seen," George says, standing up and holding his hand out to me, "because if you don't, I have ways."

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