Chapter 17 - By xXMade2LoveXx

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**Rae's POV**

I watch Elena walk upstairs. I don't know what she meant about George being my boyfriend. I wish. But he hasn't shown any special interest in me, other than us hanging out a bit. Nothing that would make me think they he has feelings for me. I hear the portrait hole open and turn to see Fred climbing in, his face like thunder.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Her!" he snaps, "driving me crazy."

"Sit down," I tell him gently, sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to me. He flops down, grumbling to himself.

"What happened?" I ask. He relays the whole conversation to me.

"Fred, why do you even bother?" I sigh, "she's made her choice."

He runs his fingers through his hair, looking agitated.

"What did she mean, you're blood?" he asks eventually. I sigh.

"We have the same mother, different fathers," I tell him, "my biological mother, Lena's mother, was a surrogate for my parents."

"Aren't you glad?" Fred asks, "I thought that you'd be thrilled, isn't this what you wanted?"

"Having a sister who would prefer to be with her boyfriend because I'm having a hard time? Yeah, that's exactly what I wanted," I growl. Fred puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, you've always got me," he says, "what's that?"

I pick up the present from Lena and look at it.

"Early Christmas present from Elena," I tell him, "I'm tempted to throw it in the fire."

"Open it," he says, nudging me. I peel back the paper and find a photo album. I open it to find the first picture of Lena when she was small, sitting on Lupin's knee. I'm standing next to him on the other side, reaching for a ball she has. I hand it to Fred.

"Tell me that's not rubbing it in my face," I say. He takes the album and flips over the next few pages. There're lots of pictures of Elena and I together, getting older with each turn of the page. The last one is of us in our new - well, second hand, but new to us - robes. Elena is jumping up and down, looking excited, but as I watch, ten year old me wipes away a tear.

"Why're you crying?" Fred asks, brushing his hand over the picture.

"He'd just told us," I say, "that I was adopted."

"Ouch," Fred grimaces, "what did he say?"

"'Rae, I want you to know that I love you very much, and nothing will ever change that, but you're old enough to know this now. I'm not your biological father, Sirius Black is. This doesn't change anything'," I recite, "little did he know, it changed everything."

I feel the tears creeping up and fight to hold them done, but instead I burst into tears. Fred stares at me in shock, completely frozen. I feel arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Shh," George sooths, "come here."

He sits down beside me and pulls me against his chest. I hear him shoo Fred away and I bury my face in his jumper. He strokes my hair, holding me tightly.

"You're not alone," he tells me softly, "you're never going to be alone, okay?"

I nod, clinging to his jumper. Telling George about my boggart was a little embarrassing. I mean, admitting that I'd rather be tortured to death than be left completely alone sounds pretty stupid, right? But George was great about it. He didn't laugh or tease me. It's pretty hard not to love him.

I wake up the next morning with dark circles under my eyes, like I do whenever I've been crying. As I'm getting dressed I notice Elena staring at me, but as soon as I look at her she ducks her head and turns away. I pull my robes on and hurry downstairs. I don't know if we're having an actual fight, one of those I'm-not-speaking-to-you fights. It's not like she wanted to talk to me, anyway. She doesn't understand! She doesn't know how isolated I feel. She doesn't know how desperately I wish I could forget everything, to go back to how it was before. She doesn't know how afraid I am that Sirius Black is coming for me.

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