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(---)'S POV

As I reached the top, I rolled into Scylla's lair and ran towards the back where Scylla would be sleeping.

"Scylla! Scylla!" She woke with a start and nearly grabbed me with one of her jaws, but stopped herself.

"There is a ship approaching, and it's moving as fast as a child of Poseidon. It's a Demigods battle ship, most likely Greek as Romans didn't have many ships." I gasped out.

Scylla moved her heads to the cave opening and I stepped out of the way as she got ready to attack if the ship came her way. I stood by the opening to the cave as I normally did. Stood and stared at the ship, ready for it to sink.

Scylla and Charybdis were opposite each other, and within arrows reach, according to Alena, but Charybdis looked to be miles away. I clicked my head and listened out for another fog horn.

After about 5 minutes, one sounded. They had survived the sirens. Now they were on their way here, question is, would they choose Scylla? Or Charybdis?


The seven began arguing and I rolled my eyes at Grover and Juniper. Rose began to giggle. The ship swayed dangerously and I found myself clinging to the mast for dear life, terrified of the water.

"Guys! Shut up!" I snapped at the seven. "You guys are supposed to be taking us to our quest, then going of on your quest, ok, so would you stop!" Annabeth looked at me incredulously.

"Alright guys I think we should maybe calm down a bit." Percy said, and Jason nodded in agreement.

"Just because we survived the sirens does not mean we are going to survive the rest of this journey, so we need to decide. Scylla? Or Charybdis?" Jason put in.

"I say Charybdis." Hazel said. "Then even if we do get eaten we can all stay together and not loose some of us. Like, even though we'll be eaten we'll be together."

"Look, I have a plan, but I need Rose to help me, and I need to IM Clarisse." I said angrily. "So who's going to help me?"

Rose giggled and nodded slightly. I sighed in exasperation and everyone stared at me. "C'mon! Who's going to help!" I said again. Everyone nodded.

"Right. Percy, move those barrels so that under deck is clear to get too. Leo, start steering us towards Scylla. Hazel, you-" I was cut off by Piper.

"Scylla? Are you sure?" She asked me, worry clear in her eyes.

"Yes Piper, don't worry though, I've got a plan, now can you go help Percy move those barrels?" She nodded and rushed over to where Percy was rolling a rather heavy looking barrel over to the side.

"Anyway, Hazel, can you go and make sure everything important is locked away or strapped down?" She nodded and ran off. That left Jason, Frank, Annabeth, Rose, Grover and Juniper.

"Grover, Juniper, you both need to make sure the boom doesn't swing loose, ok? Make sure it's tied back. Annabeth, go and start setting up a battle plan for once we get past Scylla, we're going to need it." Annabeths eyes began to gleam and she ran straight for the trapdoor that Percy and Hazel had uncovered.

"Percy, Piper, now clear under deck, Frank, Jason, you guys help them." Frank and Jason went over and helped Percy and Piper pull up the massive trapdoor, and jumped through to begin clearing a space for all of us.

I walked over to the side of the boat and looked at the spray from the sea, feeling slightly sick but trying to ignore it. I beckoned Rose over.

"Basically, I'm going to get Clarisse to fill the ship with dead war soldiers, then we all go under deck, and you seal it up with brambles. That ok?" I asked. She smiled and giggled.

I groaned and pulled a face. "You're never, not happy are you?" I asked. She shook her head happily and bounded over to the trap door. Hazel and Annabeth also went running over and they all began to climb below deck.

But Percy climbed back on deck. He came running over as I began the incantation to IM Clarisse.

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Clarisse at Camp Half Blood." The images began to stutter.

"You still use Fleecy?" Percy looked at me stunned.

"Yeah, it's funnier than the Iris one." I smirked at him and pushed a strand of my bright red hair behind my ear. He grinned back at me and I turned back to the spray of water.

The back of Clarisse's head began to form in the water and a grin broke out on my face. She noticed me, and turned.

"Jesse, oh and Prissy. What do you need?" She asked pointedly.

"We need, dead soldiers. A lot of them. We need to fill the boat with them so that Scylla eats them instead of us." I told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Why not just ask my dad?" She put forward, shaking her head.

"Are you kidding? He hates us!" Percy said loudly and I winced.

"Precisely." Clarisse said darkly. "Fine. Give me a second, and don't be surprised when they start crawling onto the ship." She told us. We nodded.

I cut through the message as Clarisse closed her eyes, and stared at the sides of the ship, waiting for something to happen.

Soon enough, figures began to pull themselves on board, and stand upright. I smiled and shoved Percy towards the helm of the ship. When we reached the helm I leant down over the figurehead and whispered into its ear.

I missed Festus, but Leo had remade him now, so we had ended up with a different figurehead on this version of the Argo. The Argo III was ready for anything.

According to Leo.

The figurehead wiggled to life and jumped aboard. It bowed and headed over to the ship's wheel by the back of the boat. It took over steering and I beckoned Leo over to us. He reached us and I spoke quickly.

"Leo, head underdeck, Annabeth needs to be able to see, she's drawing up a strategy, so be ready to light up." His fingertips flickered and he smirked proudly at me, before running over to the trapdoor.

"Percy, you ready to risk your life?" I asked him with a small smile. He laughed slightly, but nodded, determined.

"Good. You're going to stay on deck to make sure everything goes smoothly. The only reason I ask, is because you're a child of Poseidon, if anyone can survive up here, it's you." I told him. He smiled and spoke quietly.

"I will. I'll do anything to make sure everyone is ok." I tilted my head slightly.

"I'll stay on deck with you, and-" he cut me off.

"No. Go below, make sure everyone stays safe. If Scylla breaks the floorboards I want you there to protect them. Jesse, you're really brave. One of the bravest kids to ever walk Camp Half-Blood. Your brother would love you. He was brave too. The only difference was that he unfortunately never managed to walk Camp, well, not as himself. Only as a person who had no identity. But he would have, he would have had his identity."

A tear slipped out and I wiped it away furiously. I don't cry.

"Jesse, if he was still here, he'd be so proud. I swear to you. Make him proud now too." I smiled and smothered Percy in a tight hug. He happily hugged back, but as I pulled away I punched him in the shoulder.

He grabbed it and let out a short howl. "What was that for?"

"For being so damn amazing." I sniffled. He smiled sadly.

"Dam snack bar..." He muttered.

"I wish I could have met them. Both of them. They sounded, unbelievable." I told him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He winced and pulled his arm away.

"Not on the bruise!" I laughed and raised my hands in defeat.

"Zoe and Bianca didn't die in vain, Percy. It's not your fault." I told him softly.  He nodded and held out a hand.

"If Scylla eats me, it was nice to know you, Jesse Nakamura." I grabbed it and shook it firmly.

"You too, Percy Jackson."

(On Hold) On The Horns Of A Dilemma (PJO + HOO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now