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That makes a lot of sense to be honest." Annabeth admitted. "I had originally thought maybe the daughter of like, Kymopoleia, because it would make sense, but your idea is better." She spoke slowly.

"No, Kymopoleia is possible as well" Piper added quickly. Grover nodded.

I turned to Juniper. She had been silent since the girl had arrived. "Juniper, what do you think?" I asked softly. She looked startled.

"Well... I'd rather we just take her back, but I understand why not. For a parent, I would say Poseidon. She looks like Percy." Everyone turned to him. Leo cocked his head.

"She does kinda doesn't she?" He commented. Percy rolled his eyes and put his head in his hands.

"But to be fair, a child of any god could have black hair and tan skin,and her eyes don't actually mean anything. It could be because she is a 'ward of the sea' as she calls it." Piper countered. Leo hummed at this.

"True." I thought aloud. I pondered for a minute, weighing up the options. "So, we have, Zeus, Poseidon, Kymopoleia, Nemesis-" Frank cut me off.

"I thought we decided not Nemesis?" I put a finger on his lips.

"Shhhhhhhh. Anyway. Any more possibilities?" I asked, looking around at everyone else. No one spoke. I raised an eyebrow.

"Who else is possible?" Percy said. "I think that's it to be honest. I don't think there is anyone else who could possibly be her parent?"

"Hades?" Leo guessed. I turned to him. "God of the underworld? He's just as powerful as Poseidon and Zeus, so he could perhaps be a possibility." Percy shrugged.

"I suppose." Hazel said quietly. Everyone looked at each other for confirmation. We had narrowed it down.

I rolled my eyes and lent back in my seat, my arms behind my head. I thought about what she would be doing now, sitting in that room alone. My mind floated back to my brother and I sighed.

"Jesse, can you take watch on deck?" I heard faintly. I closed my eyes and groaned.

"Sure. Gonna be Hella boring though." I complained. "I never get the fun jobs." I pulled a face at Rose and she giggled.

"Just go!" Hazel laughed, shoving my shoulder slightly. I ran up to the deck and stood by the helm, thinking about the girl, Angel, Hazel had named her.

"Hey." I heard. I jumped into the air, shocked.

"Hades, Grace! Don't do that to me!" Jason sighed and shook his head with a hint of a smile.

"I just wanted to talk to someone and your up here, so why not." He asked.

"Because I'm antisocial." I replied bluntly. He ignored me and carried on.

"I just needed someone to listen, about Piper." I groaned and whacked my head on the railings of the boat. "I think, I wanna stay with her. I mean, forever. I think when we're both old enough, I want her to be the one I propose to, but I'm worried she doesn't feel the same." He stared out to sea.

"Jason." I started softly. "GROW A PAIR!" I smacked him on the arm.

"What?" He said confused, holding his arm.

"If you feel that way tell her! Trust me that's the best way." I slowed down a little. Jason stared at me. "Next stop we make, you get your pretty boy butt off the ship, stop at a jewellers, get a ring and ask her then."

"What do I say?" Jason looked flustered.

"Just say, 'Piper, I don't know how you would feel about this, but I can't stop thinking of you, and I want us to be able to be together for always. When we are a little older, would you do me the honour of marrying me.'! DUH!" I smacked him again in the same spot.

After a long talk about love and it's benefits, Jason trudged away. I stared back out at the sea again.

Ethan was amazing. That's what I had been told. Hell I didn't know him, I'd never met him.

Well, that's a lie. I met him once at camp, but that was when we were both in the Hermes cabin, unclaimed.

And he left the next day.

I sighed. Turning around I learnt against the railings and stared over at the wheel. Leo was steering it at the minute, and he was watching himself light his fingertip on fire and then blowing it out.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Leo.

I looked towards the horizon. A dark shape was getting closer, and I couldn't tell if it was because we were going towards it, or it was coming towards us.

I ran to Leo and shook his shoulder, his hair sparking in surprise.

"Leo! There's something on the horizon! I think it may be headed straight for us!" I warned. He turned to look and his eyes widened.

I ran below deck as Leo readied a Ballista. I pounded on Jason's door. He opened the door slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"JASON WAKE UP WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!" I yelled in his face. He blinked and ran to the deck.

I did the same to everyone else except that 'Angel' girl. We didn't need her. I grabbed Percy and dragged him along to the ships wheel.

"Percy steer! We don't have the figurehead anymore!" I shouted as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed hold of the wheel and I smiled at myself, accomplished.

"Jesse we need our weapons!" Jason yelled. He looked the most awake out of everyone, even Leo, who had been awake the longest. I nodded firmly and ran to the weapons room. As I did a door clicked open gently.

"What's going?" A wide awake 'Angel' asked. I shook my head and kept running. I grabbed weapons and ran back to see Angel stood in her doorway completely, watching me curiously.

"Here!" I yelled, throwing everyone their weapons one at a time.

"Wow. You're all good at catching!" I heard from behind me. I swore and dropped my dagger. "Watch your language." I heard her say.

"Look, just go back to your room, we don't need your help." I grumbled. She looked almost amused.

"What makes you think I'm going to help?" She chuckled. "This is going to be fun to watch."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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