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(---)'S POV

I had gone back to the room I had been locked in, and sat on the bed whilst someone had stayed outside. I knew it wasn't Annabeth, because she had gone with the sea spawn, Percy, to talk about some quest they were apparently on.

The Dryads, Rose and Juniper, hadn't been with the rest, and neither was the Satyr, Grover. I assumed that Grover and Juniper were, together, as they had been holding hands when I was tied to the mast, but I could be wrong.

I didn't know who else was together also, and it was a strange concept to me. I knew that people went together, but I had never seen it, after all, I lived with all females, who are all incapable of proper love.

No offence to Alena, who was obsessed with the idea that Triton was in love with her, or Alessa, who thought Kymopoleia loved her. Neither of them had even met Triton or Kymopoleia.

Actually, they had both met Triton, when he came as a messenger from Poseidon to find out how things were going, but Alessa certainly hadn't met Kymopoleia.

I wouldn't say the idea of a male and female was pleasing to me, but living with all females did give me a view on several other types of partnership, such as male with male and female with female.

Aspasia told me you could also get males who felt like females, and females who felt like males, as well as a lot of other, genders? I think she called them. It's rather interesting I believe.

I didn't find myself with anyone a pleasing thought, but I suppose that's just because I don't actually know any real people, I only knew monsters.

The door clicked and cut off my train of thought. In walked Hazel, the frizzy haired one.

"Hi." She said quietly, closing the door behind her.

"Hello." I replied politely.

"I just have a few questions, if that's ok." She rushed.

"Of course, but please do not be too offended if I don't answer all of them." I told her. She smiled slightly.

"Are you a monster? Or mortal?" She asked.

"Neither. I hope you don't mean any offence by that." She shook her head. "Don't worry, I am not a monster, but I am not mortal. I am the same as you, a half blood." I told her. Her eyes widened.

"Whos your godly parent then?"

"I'm sorry, I'd rather not answer that one." I told her regrettably.

"It's fine. I understand. Do you really not have a name?" She asked, changing the subject from my parents to my lack of something to be called as.

"Yes. Scylla cannot speak, she has dogs heads, she only eats. I was never named, as Scylla was my mother figure. I have lived all my life with her." I informed her.

"You mentioned someone called Aspasia? If you don't have a name, what did she call you? Did you have a nickname?" She asked, curiously.

"Aspasia was a friend of mine, and yes, I did have a nickname, but I'd rather not share. It's private." I looked down as I spoke about Aspasia. She would be missing me.

I told her I would see her tomorrow. That wouldn't happen now. "That's fine. What can we call you then? A nickname for us?" Hazel smiled soothingly.

"Maybe something simple, like girl." I told her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't we call you something else, something to do with the sea. What's your favourite sea creature?" I thought to myself.

"Squid. Wait, or octopus." I told her. She winced.

"Ok, maybe favourite type of fish? Like, normal fish! Not like shellfish or things with tentacles." She asked again.

I thought. Aspasia had told me of these beautiful fish in the tropic oceans.

"Angel fish." I said slowly. Hazel smiled.

"We'll call you Angel? Is that ok?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yes, that will do very nicely."

Hazel smiled and stood. "I probably need to get back, but it was nice talking to you. See you around, Angel." She said, trying out my new nickname.

She left. I smiled to myself. Hazel seemed nice. I knew she would tell the others what I had said, but she didn't overstep her boundaries, like the others.

Maybe demigods weren't so bad after all.



Hazel stepped back into the room with a grin on her face. She had gone to speak to the girl, in hopes of finding out more about her.

"She's actually really nice." She said, smiling at us. I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell us what you found out." I snapped.

"Fine, she's lived there her whole life, with Scylla and Charybdis and everything. She says she's a half blood, but she asked not to disclose her godly parent, and then I spoke about her name." Hazel spoke quickly.

"Well go on then!" I said sharply.

"She says she honestly doesn't have a name, she did have a nickname, but it's a private thing. Then I helped her think of something for us to call her." Hazel said with a slight glint in her eye.

"What?" Percy asked, curious.

"Angel." I snorted at this.

"Angel? More like devil from the way she was fighting." I laughed.

Hazel gave me a pointed look. "Her favourite fish is an Angel fish." She explained.

"Ok... So, we basically only found out that she's a demigod?" Piper clarified.

Hazel blushed. "Well yes, but I mean, she seemed to trust me, so I think she's beginning to not hate us. We might be able to get more information in the future." Hazel pointed out. Jason nodded.

"I agree with Hazel. At least it means she won't tell us nothing at all. We found out she's a demigod right? That's better than nothing." He said. Everyone murmured and nodded.

"Wanna try and figure out who her parent is?" Percy asked, raising his hands in the air. Everyone nodded.

"Well, I think it might be Nemesis." I put forward.

Jason shook his head, and Rose spoke with a grin.

"No, she said, 'Pisinoe' or whatever didn't like children of Nemesis." She said.

"That's why I thought maybe, because she also said that whoever it was didn't like her." I told her. Piper hummed for a second.

"No. I think she may be a child of Poseidon or Zeus." She said.

"Why?" Percy asked.

"Well, she's a 'ward of the sea' she said, that could mean Poseidon has a soft spot for her because she's his daughter, and I thought maybe Zeus because she said she could control Poseidon, Zeus is King of the gods, so it would make sense." Piper explained.

We all went silent.


Hey guys, I realised I hadn't updated in FOREVAH so I gave you like a load of chapters at once. So... Here you go I guess, the next chapter will be done VERY VERY soon. It's almost finished and I will update it as soon as possible.
-Charlie Anne

(On Hold) On The Horns Of A Dilemma (PJO + HOO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now