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(---)'S POV

When my eyes flickered open again, I realised I was in some sort of cabin, and I sat up from the soft flat thing I was lying on, a bed, I believed. I was no longer restrained, so I assumed they had locked the door.

I stood and tried it. My assumptions were correct. I peeked out through a small crack between the door and it's frame and saw the blonde girl, Annabeth stood outside my room, facing away. I blinked.

Annabeth. If memory serves me, Annabeth was a Latin name meaning Biblical. It was different, since the Sirens were all Greek, with meanings a bit more, truthful to their job, but she would be perfect.

"Annabeth." I whispered. "I just need to speak with you." Her head turned slightly.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for the others to finish dinner. We'll all be talking to each other later." She whispered back. "By the way, nice right hook." I blinked.

"What is, right hook?" I asked, confused. "I've lived in the sea all my life, I don't know any, modern terms." She chuckled at this.

"It's just means you've got a good swing on your punches. You're a good fighter. Percy's going to be bruised to Tarturus." She shivered slightly.

"Oh. Well, thanks. I think. Now, I know you said wait, but I want you to know before we all speak. I have a proposition for you. Only you." I told her quickly. I heard shuffling.

"If you're planning on bribing me, it won't work. Anyway, the others are just coming. We'll talk in a second. All of us." She said in a sharp tone. I rolled my eyes.

The door clicked and I stood back as it swung open to reveal Frank, the tall one, and Annabeth who was stood slightly behind him.

"You coming?" Frank asked. He seemed slightly awkward, and I wondered why they had sent someone who seems weak at first glance.

"Sure. Why not." I said sarcastically. "Just, one thing." Frank looked at me expectantly.

"Will I get room service? I've heard of that, it sounds fun." I joked. Frank stared at me in surprise.

"You've heard of it? What do you like, not know about modern things?" He said. I raised one eyebrow and his eyes widened before he swung around. "This way!" He said, sounding slightly nervous and speeding off.

Annabeth walked next to me and held my arm. I looked at her in amusement. She glared at me.

"Annabeth, this proposition, it's not a bribe. It's an offer. You needn't take it if you don't want, it's only an opportunity. It would be something you could take and then rescind." I told her quietly. "Look, I'll ask you in a minute, but you don't have to accept, not straight away."

She turned her head slightly away from me and I stopped talking, looking straight ahead and following Frank. We reached a small door and Frank knocked twice.

The door creaked open and I saw the chicken boy, Leo, staring at us with a grin on his face.

"Entré!" He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and walked in to see a room with a long piece of wood, a table? And a load of wooden chairs.

"So, you won't tell us your name, and-" Jason, I think, started. I cut him off.

"I told you I don't have one." He looked at me pointedly.

"Anyway. You attacked Percy, and then refused to tell us anything about you." He finished.

"Ok. Here, A, he advanced first. How was I supposed to know whether he was attacking or not? And B, I told you enough about me. We're all people, we deserve to have secrets." I snarled.

"She said she has a proposition for me. She said it wasn't a bribe but I'm not sure." Annabeth told them. They all looked at each other warily.

"It's not! Its only an offer, and like I said, you can turn it down. I don't see why you would, but you can." I protested.

"Well what is it?" The one called Piper asked. I turned to Annabeth.

"Only she can ask for me to tell the offer, since it is for her." She looked curiously at me, and thought about it for a second, before nodding at me firmly.

I smiled reassuringly.

"Annabeth, what's your surname?" I asked. She looked uncomfortable.

"Chase. Annabeth Chase." I nodded.

"Annabeth Chase, I am offering you a position as a creature of the sea. A high position, you can turn it down, or take it and then change your mind. You can even ask to keep the position on hold and decide sometime in the near future. I am offering you the position of a Siren from Anthemoessa." I spoke slowly and formally.

The others looked at each other in surprise and Annabeths eyes widened.

"Your name is correct, Annabeth would be a beautiful Sirens name, the only problem with it being Latin and meaning Biblical, but that can easily be sorted. You have the perfect look, and you seem smart and wise enough to join them. You would be the 5th translucent of the current era."

Annabeth blinked and started to speak but I stopped her.

"Like I said, you don't have to accept, but I think you'd be perfect. The only problem is the colour of your eyes, but they would change when you became a Siren, and they would change back if you changed your mind. With being a chosen siren you would be able to rescind your job, but it would mean leaving the other sirens, who you would find, are very nice." I told her. She looked at me in disbelief.

"Wait, Annabeth would be a Siren?" Percy asked.

"Yes. She would. Like I said, since the job was given to her and not her natural life, she would be able to leave Sirenum Scopuli and be able to change her mind if she wanted." I turned to Piper. "You'd be good too, but your name is wrong, and we couldn't give you a new one, it wouldn't be right. Let me guess, daughter of Aphrodite. You can use Charmspeak? You would be brilliant. Pity about your name."

Piper looked absolutely incredulous. I smirked. "Are you being serious?" Annabeth asked, sounding unbelieving. I nodded.

"Yeah. Completely. You would be perfect, and it's a pity for Piper. Hazel, I'm not sure about. I'd have to learn a bit more about her, sirens don't often trust children of Pluto or Hades." I told them.

"Wait, what the hell is happening?" I heard the Jesse girl ask. I smiled at her.

"I'm offering Annabeth a position as a Siren, did you not hear me say it?" I told her, smirking slightly. She looked furious.

"What makes you think she's going to take it?" She burst out.

"I don't. It's simply an offer. She can refuse, or ask to respond another time. I would offer you a position, but similar to Hazel and Piper, your name is all wrong. And also, Pisinoe does not like children of Nemesis, and she doesn't like me, so she definitely won't trust a child of Nemesis recommended by me." I told her.

Everyone took a look at each other. Annabeth spoke.

"This is not time to be offering me a job." She told me, a fierce glint in her eyes.

"Ok. Your response has been noted, and the offer is on hold until you decide."

(On Hold) On The Horns Of A Dilemma (PJO + HOO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now