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After shaking Percy's hand, I ran over to the trapdoor and looked over once more. Percy gave me a reassuring smile and nodded towards the trapdoor. I smiled back and jumped down, slamming the deck shut behind me.

A small fire was burning in Leo's hand over on the corner, and I could see Annabeth sat, furiously sketching and writing on a piece of, paper? Parchment? I wasn't sure.

She looked up quickly and took in the people underdeck. "Where's Percy?"

"He stayed on deck, to make sure it went smoothly." I said, almost choking on my own words. "I tried to stay with him, but he told me to come down here with you,in case Scylla broke the floorboards."

Annabeth let a tear slip out, staying silent, before turning back to her plan. I looked at everyone. Leo was stood leaning against a barrel, holding the fire for Annabeth to see by. Frank and Hazel were sat next to Leo, holding each other in a tight hug.

Jason and Piper were sat facing each other, holding hands and whispering, whilst Grover had Juniper in a tight hug, stood by the barrels. Rose was smiling, stood by me, and I was right under the trapdoor, watching everyone.

I spoke gently. "Juniper, Rose, I'm really sorry about... You know, the woods." Juniper let out a small noise.

"It's ok, we can find somewhere new to live." She told me as Grover stroked her hair gently.

Rose smiled and turned to me. "It's fine Jesse, all good."

I rolled me eyes. "By Zeus, can you for once, be glum, or miserable, or grim? Just once! You're always smiling and it gets really tiring." I snapped.

"I'm sorry, it's just my natural state." Rose said, smiling.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped. Just," I looked around. "Tensions are high, I just don't know how you can remain so happy."

"Who said I'm happy? I'm smiling, but you think that doesn't mean I'm scared? I'm scared" Rose said. I thought about her words carefully. "Smiling is actually an infectious thing. If I continue to smile, it can lifts peoples spirits, and that can give them hope. So that's what I do."

That stupid statue, the Colossus Neronis. It crushed part of the woods. Juniper's plant, and Rose's, had to be uprooted and put in a pot until we could find them a new part of the woods, and then this quest came along.

So they came with us. Well, Rose had to, she's part of my quest. Juniper came to support Grover, who was headed off to some state that I don't remember the name of, to save a plantation from being bulldozed.

The seven were headed off to ANOTHER great prophecy that had been issued. I know it's annoying for them, they were all happily starting their futures.

Percy had met Annabeths cousin, and they were going to start college at New Rome University, Percy had even specially stuck at school to score well on his SAT, and pass his DSTOMP. Apollo had even helped him study for the Music and Poetry analysis.

Leo and Calyspo were going to stay at the Waystation with Jo, Emmie and Georgie. As well as some of their other new friends. They wanted to go to high school. Once this quest came up, Leo had to leave. Calypso stayed so she could keep trying to get her magic back, and so she could start planning for high school, and then after it, 'Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters'.

Frank and Hazel had stayed in Camp Jupiter, trying to be as normal as you can be when you're a praetor and member of the Twelfth Legion, and Piper and Jason had gone to Los Angeles with Piper's dad. I think Coach Hedge, Mellie and Little Chuck had gone with them.

This quest wasn't exactly, something anyone here enjoyed. Mostly the seven, and me. The first great prophecy took my brother, I don't want this one to take my friends. So many people are gone, so many good people.

I turned to Rose again. "Can you, bramble us up?" I asked quietly. She giggled and lifted her arms. The trapdoor started to sprout thick stems covered in thorns,that began to cover it slowly.

Eventually, Rose lowered her arms. The section of deck above us was covered in brambles, if you'd have tried to touch it, you would have instantly cut your hand. We all went quiet. All I could hear was the steady creaking of the Trireme, and the scratching of Annabeths frantic planning.

The silence seemed to go on forever, but eventually we heard some snapping. I assumed that was Scylla's jaws fastening around a dead soldier.

Suddenly there was a loud clang, and then the sound of Percy hitting the deck.

"Styx!" We heard from on deck. It was muffled, but loud, so I assumed he had his face pressed against the floorboards.

The next thing I know, there was a loud thud, and Percy scuffling around.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hades sweaty underwear! Guys help!" We heard Percy shouting. Annabeths head snapped up and she dropped the plan, running straight for the brambles.

"Percy! Are you ok! Is it Scylla?" She shouted in fear. My heart stopped. If Percy had been killed because of my plan.

"God's no! We've passed Scylla now, its- oh never mind just get up here and help! Crap!" I sighed in relief and turned to Leo and Rose.

"Sorry Rose, but it's quicker. Leo, torch it." He smirked, a wicked glint in his eyes, before lifting the small flame in his hand to the brambles and blow torching the lot.

"Holy Hera!" We heard. Together we pushed the trapdoor open and I grabbed hold of the deck to pull myself up. "Jeez woman calm down!"

My eyes reached Percy and what I saw surprised me. I stopped dead.

"Jesse move! What's happening!" I heard Annabeth cry from below me.

"Annabeth, calm down. He's over reacting." I told her, eyes fixated on the image of a girl around our age, having tight hold of his hair and dragging him across the deck. I got onto the deck and reached my arm down to pull Annabeth up.

She got up and stared at the girl. I reached and pulled Leo up, then Jason. Jason helped up Piper and Frank, who got everyone else out. We watched in amusement.

The girl now had her arm round Percy's neck, and was kneeing him in the back. He was groaning each time, and attempting to say something.

"Guys! He-lg," and then a sort of, constipated sound. I assumed he was asking for help, so I headed over and grabbed the girls arm.

"Calm down." I ordered but her face twisted into rage and she sent a punch right to my gut.

Annabeth got behind her as Percy crawled away cradling his stomach. The girl tried to elbow Annabeth in the face but she ducked, and as the rest of us surrounded her you could see the fear clear in her face.

I went to secure her arms behind her but she flipped me over her and ran for the back of the boat. Leo, however, was stood leaning against the mast, and as she ran past, tripped her.

"Wow, Chica. Never have I seen someone kick Percy's gloutos like that. I like you." He said, as the girls eyes fluttered shut. She must have hit her head on the deck.

We all took a second to catch our breath before gathering around her, Annabeth having to drag Percy over, who was still moaning in pain from his fight.

"Well, Percy. What happened?" Frank asked, looking a little overwhelmed.

"I don't know! Scylla was happily eating the soldiers, but then she tried to eat the figurehead, so I hit the floor right, sorry just a second." He said. He took a deep breath and stood up, leaning against Annabeth.

"Scylla was swinging the figurehead about, probably couldn't eat it because it was metal, and she swung it into her cave, next thing I know, this girl comes jumping out of the cave onto the boat, and just looks at me. She looked terrified, and I tried to calm her down, but she just went for me!" He explained. We all looked at the girl.

"I wonder who she is." Jason voiced.

"I wonder what she was doing in Scylla's cave." Leo countered. We all sighed in unison.

I stared at the girl. She seemed, familiar.

(On Hold) On The Horns Of A Dilemma (PJO + HOO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now