Suicide Prevention

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Hi! I want to welcome everyone to Kimber's and Mike's story. The story has been up for some time, and since it has been up I am been getting complaints about how racist and stereotypical it is. I just want to warn any new readers that the book can be very offensive to some, but I am not trying to offend or make any one feel bad. I am not a racist, by far. If the book offends you in anyway, please refrain from reading it.

Side note: The elements in this story are based on the real world, so if you cannot handle this, I am sorry, but this is how the world really is. My main focus is to draw awareness to the issues because I want them to change.

Anyways, I hope that you enjoy!

Kimber's POV

I was sitting in class trying to pay attention when a hard lump of paper hit the back of my head. I turned around to see who it was, and it was no other than Devin Scott. Wow. I should have known. He has been a jerk for as long as I could remember, and I highly doubt he was going to change anytime in the near or distant future. Being a complete asshole was just an inherited part of him. Devin is what one would call, a wannabe in my neighborhood. He wanted to be the bad boy, but everyone knew that his family had money. He hung around the drug dealers only because they needed his connection to the rich kids. Because contrary to what many may believe, rich kids are druggies! I never could understand why he wanted to be in the hood, he did not have to live this way. He chooses to. All I wish I could do was escape and live somewhere different.

After the lump hit my head, I hesitated. Should I give them my attention or not? I decided to turn and scowl.

"Hey the fat pig decided to turn around!" Football captain Devin said. "Anyone want to toss her a donut?"

Ha! How many times was he going to use that one? Can we be a little more original! Yes, I was a bit on the thicker side. I had been like this my entire life-since before I could remember. So I was pretty used to fat jokes, but each time it pierced a bigger hole in my heart.

"Or would you rather a piece of pie?" Summer Lee the evil cheerleader yelled.

Ah, Summer Lee. She was...a bitch! Point blank. In fact she was a major B. She thought she was the most attractive girl in the world, but she looked like a pile of shit without makeup. Just saying! The truth must be known. She was the typical cheerleader-nothing special to her really, so I just ignored her most of the time.

Just breathe I told myself, they will stop if you ignore them. I turned back to the front. I tried to look at Mr. Garrison as he listed all of the facts about the Civil War, but I could not concentrate with all of them running their freaking mouths. The freaking teacher acted as though he could not hear their pig sounds! Devin threw another piece of paper then another and another and a person could only take so much.

I turned around. "Can you please just stop?" I heard the shakiness in my voice. I did not want to cry in front of them. I would not give them what they wanted.

He smiled. He was cute of course-brown skin and light brown eyes with a low faded cut. Scratch that he was more than cute. He could easily be a model, and I hated it.

"Can you lose weight? I mean my friends and I cannot win football games with you being this big."

How the fuck did that even make sense? What did my size have to do with the fact that they suck? Maybe if they stop smoking so much weed, we could win some games. Assholes!

"Yeah." His friend and wide receiver on the team piped in. Who the fuck was even talking to him? His name is Victor Black and yes he was a jerk too. "Yeah everyone gets scared to see a big elephant and we fumble or miss the ball."

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