Chapter 42: Lifetime

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Chapter 42: Lifetime

Kimber's POV

What the fuck was going on with Mike? I neeed to know or else I was going to go crazy! After my little crying episode reality came back into play; my mom left and I was worrying about Mike. What happened. I was scared to text him because what if he was busy doing something important and the phone buzzed and distrated him.

All I could do is wait and it was already nine o'clock and still no call. I was getting a bit anxious. What happened? Was he dead and trying to contact me from the other side. Omg! Why didn't I eve try to figure out how to use one of those board thingys to talk to the dead. Let me stop thinking so negativly. I was sure that Mike was okay, but why hasn't he called, I thought.

Just then I heard a knock at the door and I ran to it and janked it open to see Mike standing on my porch with a look of hunger in his eyes. I couldn't even ask him how eveything went because he captured me into his arms and planted a soft kiss on my lips and I melted into his body. I didn't even know how or when thinigs got so out of hand that we were in the sofa wrapped in each other's arms.

Mike was on top of me planting kisses all along my body and I was moaning each time his lips connected with my skin. I was on fire! My mind was in overdrive and I could barely think straight. The only thing I could think about was Mike's lower body parts rubbing against my stomach-the friction causing me to moan even louder.

"Please," I begged. "Make love to me."

I needed him to do it, or else I would explode and die. I needed him like I never needed anything in my entire lifetime. I needed him to feel that same way that I did in that moment. I needed to know if he wanted what I wanted.

I looked up into his eyes and my stomach cenched at how hungry they were. He wanted me! Me! I could tell that he was finally going to give me what I wanted. He readjusted himself between my legs and pressed his manhood against my womanhood and I almost screamed at the friction. It caused nothing but pleasure. But I wanted more.

He looked back at me and smiled. "Are you sure about this Kimber because there is no fucking going back. Once I am inside I am npt coming out until I feel like I am ready." His voice was stern and precise and I could tell that he was on edge. He had to make sure I was not teasing, and believe me I wasn't no where near teasing.

"Please," I moved against him and he pressed his lips togather. "Now. I'm ready."

He laughed. "Please don't beg baby! I know I have the best D and all."

What an arrogant asshole. "Just put it in before I do something bad to you."


Before I knew it we were kissing and touching all over each other as if we had no control over our . Our minds were in sexual overdrive and we could not think about anything but the pleasure that we wanted to cause each other. Every common sense thought was abaondoned including the thought of protection. We were too engaged in our bodies being as close as humanly possible.

At first the pain was overwelming, but it was within a few seconds replaced with immense pleasure.My body had never felt so full as it did when he was inside of me, but at first he was being too gentle. I wanted him deeper so I began to mive my hips to match his and that's when his moaning became too much to bear. The sound of it was casuing me to get closer and closer to my first finish, but he wasn't having that he placed his hands on my hips and help me still and began to go so slow that I could barely stay sane.

He was being a little tease! It was so unfair! But it still felt good. After a while he began to move faster and faster. "I love you so much Kimber!" He whispered into my ear right before he barried his head into the crook of my neck and spilled his love inside of my body. I could feel the warmth take hold of my insides and before I knew it I had coated his thingy with my love as well.

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