Chapter 12: WTF??

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Kimber’s POv

Well this Mrs. Brown lady is getting on my nerves already. First she had Mike and I shelf books then we had to organize the catalog then we had to tell a story to some little kids about what lead to the American Rev but we had to make it fun and interactive. Now we sat in the back corner of the library-hiding. Mike was right beside me flipping through the pages of some random reference book. It was so quiet we could not hear a sound.

“Finally we have some peace. She was driving me mad.” It was now two weeks since we started working and life was the same as usual-I still got picked on every day, but I had now dragged the Chess Club under the bus with me. They did not seem to mind Devin’s comments epically Jose he cursed him out in Spanish so many time that he got made and knocked his tray over Jose responded by saying “I wanted a burrito anyway.” It was hilarious. Just thinking about it made me laugh.

Mike looked up from his book and glanced at me. “What’s so funny?”


He pursed his lips. “So now you laugh for no reason?”

“Yep.” I gave him a playfully disgusted expression. “And are you ugly for no reason?”

He thought about it then out of nowhere launched himself at me as if I wasn’t an obese pig he would just bounce off of, but he did not. I could not move fast enough he climbed onto of me and squeezed in-between my legs. My heart stopped. I literally could not breathe. He was directly on top of me basically breathing down my face. His eyes stared deep into me. We just laid there in silence. I was afraid to move. I did not want to move too fast and knocked him off of me. I felt his chest expand and contract as he breathed uneasily. I had never had a boy this close to me-ever!

Why was he doing this?


Did he not think me disgusting, fat, ugly-fertile???

“What are you thinking about?” he asked. His voice was so soft-like a child.

The heat inside my body was so much to handle. I felt as if I was on fire-literally like someone lit a match and burned the inside of my body. But I felt great.

I was in no condition to answer his question because I was in no condition to actually be able to speak. If I even tried to make a sound. I felt as though some wall has been broken down. His hand stroked my face.

“You’re so beautiful.”


He must want to get into my pants.

I was so not beautiful. I was barely even tolerable in my looks. I needed air. I felt him pressed against me. He seemed as if he was suffering inside his pants.

I softly tried to push him off of me, but he smiled and pressed me down with his um-thingy that’s attached to his pelvis. The thing is almost spelled like pelvis. He was still looking at me. His face was so perfect. Then he slowly-ever so slowly bent to and kissed my neck.


I roughly pushed him off of me and sprinted out of the library. That kiss felt so good. I couldn’t believe that he had done that. He was too good for me; rich, cute and white. No no no we just did not mix. I was supposed to marry a Mexican drug lord who would abuse me and make me have tons of kids then I was supposed to get put on welfare when he died during a drug deal. That was the life the Mexican girl was supposed to live. We were not supposed to be kissed by rich white boys who would eventually become doctors, lawyers, bankers, international workers, and politicians. No no no I was beneath him, but why did he kiss me? Could he not see that I was me and he was him?

This is not good. If only he knew my life story. If only he knew about my mom and her problems. He would understand why we could never kiss. I would get lynched! Or deemed as a gold-digger.

NO! This could never happen again.

The weather was cool as I walked home. I badly needed a distraction. When I walked into the house my mother was not home. I figured that she went to the bar.  I badly needed a distraction, so I did what my dad and I used to do together I went for a run. Yes because believe it or not when my dad was alive I ran everyday with him. He was big on staying in shape.

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