Prologue: Run

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A/N: I'm extremely pumped to begin writing this story! I can't tell you how long this chapter has been sitting patiently in my notes. This will take place in season one of DC's Legends of Tomorrow and some chapters may not be based on episodes. I'm sure it's pretty obvious, but I'll say it anyways, I DO NOT own any of the characters of LOT or the plot of any of the episodes. OKAY! Let's get this party started! ENJOY!


Each smack of your dirty combat boots on the pavement accompanied your pants and gasps for breath. Your calves burned and sweat collected at your temples and upper lip, but you had to keep running. If you stopped—even for a second—he would catch and kill you.

You assumed it was a man—his armor covered every inch of skin and his massive frame and precise movements screamed he endured extensive training.

Narrowly missing the shots from his laser rifle, you barely registered that he was definitely from the future—his weaponry far too advanced for the present day. As you continued your seemingly useless fleeing, your mind raced.

Who is this guy? Why is he after me?

Glancing behind you, panic set in with the assassin right on your heels. You had to find a way out, fast.

More shots rang out, one bullet lodging itself in your side, causing you to stumble and a strangled cry to escape your lips with a hissed, "Son of a bitch!"

Clutching your wound, your blood seeping through your fingers, you thoughtlessly stumbled down an alley.

The audible clunks of your pursuer's heavy boots were like an 'on' switch for your brain.

Cursing to yourself, you couldn't believe you hadn't thought of this plan sooner!

Door. I need a door!

Frantically searching the dark, dank enclosure, your eyes landed on the back entrance of a bar. With slightly more hope than you had two seconds ago, you picked up your lagging pace.

Picturing where you wanted to go, the four directional arrows tattooed on your right palm glowed a faint lavender hue.

Yanking the door open harder than necessary, you were met with—not the inside of a bar—but the familiar pitch black darkness that accompanied the spell, with the brilliant white squared exit a few feet away that would lead you to your intended des...

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Yanking the door open harder than necessary, you were met with—not the inside of a bar—but the familiar pitch black darkness that accompanied the spell, with the brilliant white squared exit a few feet away that would lead you to your intended destination.

Panting and glancing back for a moment, the assassin sprinted toward you. Your (E/C) eyes widened and you rushed through the doorway, pulling it shut as quickly as possible. With your vision growing hazy and staggering body, your safe haven grew closer.

Almost there.

Your legs gave out before you made it completely through the exit, making you stumble and fall, rolling into your sanctuary.

Facing where the spell shot you out of, you made out the faint jangle of the bar's doorknob twisting.

But before your attacker could open it and before you passed out, you used your last bit of energy to raise your hand and force the mechanical doors shut, deactivating the spell.


Rip Hunter and the rest of the Legends were in his office, discussing their next step in stopping Vandal Savage when Gideon interrupted them. "Excuse me, Captain, but it seems we've acquired a new passenger who is in need of medical attention."

On instinct, everyone became rigid and adrenaline rushed through their bodies, preparing for the worst. The team could hear the edge in Rip's voice as he commanded the A.I. "Show me the security footage." When she pulled up the video on the large television screens, everyone watched as a woman rolled out from the entrance of the Waverider into the cargo bay.

Eyes widened and breaths were caught in throats, astonished this strange woman was able to enter the ship considering they were currently in the temporal zone. Rip was the only one completely unfazed by this woman's sudden appearance. He knew exactly who this was.

"Mr. Jackson! Dr. Palmer! Get that woman to the Med-Bay immediately!" The Captain's sharp order made heads whip to face him.

"Rip, we have no idea who that is!" Sara's disbelieving tone started the uproar.

"Ms. Lance is right! This could all be a trap!" Professor Stein's frantic voice was quick to accompany Sara's statement.

However, this only made the man in question repeat his command. "I can assure you all this is not a trap. We need to get her medical attention, now!" And with that, the Englishman stormed down to the unconscious woman with the rest of the team running to keep up with him.


They had managed to get the mysterious woman settled in the Med-Bay. Gideon had informed them the blood loss could have been fatal if they hadn't brought her to the medical wing in time. Rip's sigh of relief was the only indication anyone was thankful this woman was alive. The others, however, were apprehensive to say the least. After all, their new guest had, quite literally, stumbled in uninvited. They couldn't fathom why he helped this trespasser.

"So, who's the chick?" Mick's gravelly voice ground out as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. He had simply watched as the younger half of Firestorm and the billionaire carried the injured woman.

Leaning against the doorway, Leonard, who also wanted nothing to do with this new drama, continued in his usual drawl after his partner. "And why were you so insistent on helping her?" 

The team's features were expectant as Rip continued staring at the strange girl. His eyes had never left her relaxed expression, waiting for a sign she would awaken soon.

He ran a hand down his slim face, giving up his inspection for the moment to focus on his team's understandable apprehensiveness and curiosity. Sighing deeply, he tried to collect and clear his racing thoughts.

The others waited as he contemplated what to tell them, then with a resigned tone and closed eyes, the Captain spoke, "Her name is (Y/N) Hunter, and she's my sister."


A/N: If there is any confusion or any concerns about ANYTHING, please message me. If the way her abilities are summoned or are portrayed is unclear PLEASE tell me so I can figure out a better way to explain it. If it would be easier to understand the story, I could write how her spells/powers work before each chapter begins, just let me know!

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