Chapter 3: Dysfunctional at Its Best

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PLEASE READ!!! THERE IS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS IN HERE!!! (Actually, it's more requests, but please still read it!)

A/N: This is where the episodes come into play. This takes place in Season 1 Episode 4: White Knights. And I think I need to figure out a way to incorporate as much of the episodes as possible without making this book 100 chapters long. Because with the way I wrote this one, 1 episode may turn into 5 chapters, which is not something I want to do, but I also don't want each chapter to be 20-some pages long. Unless you guys like this then please let me know and I'll do it. I just want enough detail and to stay true to the storyline, but also want to develop my own story throughout, which may lead to me dropping some episodes or scenes. But please comment and let me know what you think and what episodes and scenes you want to see from the show. Or direct message me your thoughts, I'd love to hear what you all think.

P.S. I'm sorry I'm a disappointment.


Now you remembered why you never time traveled with Rip, the side-effects always screwed with your senses.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip questioned from the Captain's chair.

Snart's voice was the only one you heard through your blocked ears, "Piece of cake."

Martin Stein stood up faster than you expected a man of his age to after traveling to 1986. You were still trying to focus your gaze on your boots that you noticed had dried blood on the toe, probably from when Chronos shot you. "Wonderful. We're now at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation."

Well if the time jump didn't make you want to throw up that sure did. You were never one for history, maybe you should start memorizing important dates in the world so you could avoid war and nuclear weaponry in general.

"So, how was Gideon able to track Savages location?" Jax's question actually came through clearly as your hearing returned to normal.

"She managed to intercept a telefax concerning Savages last known whereabouts." Rip and the rest of the team surrounded the console as you were getting to your feet.

Raising your arms above your head, you stretched out your back, a quiet groan passed your lips as you stretched your injured side. You didn't notice your shirt ride up and you definitely didn't notice Snart glance behind himself and get a sneak peek of two-fifths of your pentacle tattoo, the earth and fire symbols resting on your hip bones.

 You didn't notice your shirt ride up and you definitely didn't notice Snart glance behind himself and get a sneak peek of two-fifths of your pentacle tattoo, the earth and fire symbols resting on your hip bones

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He had already turned his head forward once you were done straightening out your spine and joined them.

"A tele-what?" Jax looked as if Rip spoke a foreign language, but Ray's eyes looked like a kid's in a candy store.

"It's like an email...on paper." You almost chuckled at the shift in Ray's expression as he realized only he found this fascinating. Glancing down at the screen, you saw how everything was blacked out.

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