Chapter 2: Hell Hath No Fury...

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A/N: What? Is this-Is this an update?! Sorry I've been so horrible at keeping this story consistent. At first, I didn't know where I wanted to begin this story in season 1, then I just never had time with starting college and all that comes with that. Thankfully, it's Fall Break right now and hopefully, I can update my Supernatural story before I go back. If not, it might not be till Thanksgiving Break that I can get another chapter out. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy!


"We need to talk."

You've never seen your brother so defeated. His somber mood emanated off him in waves and your heart clenched as he ushered you away from the others and into his study. His back was still toward you as you crossed your maroon-sleeved arms.

"What's going on Rip? Why are your bosses sending an assassin after you and your friends?" His hands moved to rub down his face. How was he going to say this? How could he possibly explain to his sister that 2166 is up in flames and the monster responsible for it took away the loves of his life?

Stepping closer to him, you questioned him again, "Rip, why are all of those people on your ship?" He wanted to keep you out of this—keep you safe—but of course, why would he be able to do that?

"I need their help." His tone may have been steady, but glancing down at his whitened knuckles, you noticed them tremble.

Tilting your head, you pushed him to elaborate. "For what?" When he didn't answer, you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder like he often did back in the orphanage. "C' mon, Rip, tell me."

He turned enough so you had a clear view of his face, and what you saw made your heart plummet into your stomach.

His eyes were filled with the unshed tears he desperately tried to hold back. The strongest man you knew was cracking and you'd be damned if you weren't going to find out why.

Squeezing his firm shoulder, you opened your mouth only to have Rip finally speak, rushed and whispered, "They're dead."

Your heartbeat picked up tenfold, "W-Who's dead?"

Turning to face you fully, he avoided your stare as guilt engulfed him. "Miranda and Jonas."

Your knees went weak and you clutched his desk to keep from falling as tears streamed freely down your now reddened cheeks. You could barley contain your sobs, your sister and nephew were gone. It was as if your soul had been sucked out of you. "H-How? When?"

Rip's fists trembled further. "A man that goes by the name Vandal Savage killed them," he ground out the name through his teeth. You had never heard your brother's voice laced with so much venom, but you couldn't blame him, after all, you wanted to see this 'Vandal Savage's' head served on a silver platter. Why did he take the lives of your family?

Why did Rip not answer your question?

"When did this happen, Rip?"

He eyed the floor and mumbled, "A month ago." Your body froze, time seemed to stop as you stared at him.

One month.

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