Chapter 4: Wanted

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A/N: WOO!!! Two weeks in a row of updating! Who would've thought? Anyway, I think this chapter is pretty cool and I hope you do, too! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think so far and what you're hoping to see.


Ray had taken it upon himself to show you to your room with Snart tagging along when you all started to feel the Waverider slow down.

"What the hell?" you asked, wondering why Gideon reduced speed.

"C' mon, let's see what's going on." Ray began to walk to the control room with you and Snart in toe.

As the doors slid open, Snart snarked, "Did we run out of gas or something?"

"Chronos is still in pursuit," Gideon announced to us.

Your eyes widened. "Did she say Chronos?"

"Looks like it's time for a little reunion," Snart said this as if you were about to rekindle an old friendship.

"Shouldn't we be trying to lose him and not drawing attention to ourselves?" Jax still wasn't catching on to Rip's plan as you looked at the screen and saw he had lowered the cloaking device.

"You uncloaked us!" You stared at Rip in horror.

He held up a finger at both of you. "Aha! The Soviet Union to the rescue. Now let's see how badly Chronos wants to follow us." Of course, that was his plan.

"You know, you may be an idiot, but you have your moments." Rip glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and smirked at your remark, and for a moment, you were back to the good old days, until you remembered what he had kept from you. You both looked away and he cleared his throat.

The sound of something launching pierced your eardrums as Gideon told everyone the Soviets had deployed heat-seeking missiles.

"That's why I need you to cut the engines." Nope, you take back what you said, he was definitely an idiot.

"Don't we need those to land?" Jax was rightly floored. You and Snart exchanged a look and you didn't think he could have any other facial expressions than smug or bored, but his current look proved you wrong.

"I said cut them, Gideon."

"Rip! What are you doing?" Your nerves were tight and the adrenaline rushed through your veins. He locked eyes with you and before he said anything, you knew what he wanted of you.

"Get ready."

"You can't be serious! This thing has to weigh a couple tons, Rip!" Ray and Snart had no idea what you two were talking about, but they could sense your borderline fear.

"(Y/N), we need you." Damn it, he always knew the right buttons to push. You nodded and Rip repeated his order with more urgency. "Cut the engines, Gideon!" And she did.

The ship plummeted and the missiles sped above you and as soon as you heard them crash into Chronos' ship, you widened your stance, spread your arms out like a T and stopped the Waverider from its descent.

You screamed, the strain on your muscles was too much, you couldn't hold it for long.

"Everyone, strap in." Rip's heart clenched as he watched his little sister try to hold his ship in the air. "Let it go, (Y/N)."

"No." Each man turned to look at this woman who was no taller than 5'5 as she visibly struggled to lower the ship to the ground at a steady pace.


"Shut up!" You could barely think, your muscles were burning, but you couldn't let this thing crash. You couldn't let it possibly hurt anyone below you, and you couldn't let it injure or kill the people who were helping you search for Savage.

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