Chapter 5: Tough Love

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A/N: Three weeks in a row? I'm on a roll! Hope you enjoy this chapter! And don't forget to comment and vote! Truth be told, I don't know how I feel about this chapter. I think it started good, but then towards the end, I don't know, it just didn't seem as good to me.


"Sara! Wait up." You jogged up to the woman carrying two metal bo staffs. She stopped and looked behind her, waiting for you to catch up.

"Hey, are you alright? Rip told me what you did." Her tone held genuine concern as you stopped by her side and nodded.

"I'm fine. Gideon fixed me up." You eyed the staffs warily. "Rip wanted me to help you with Kendra." She seemed almost relieved and nodded.

Gesturing with her head toward the long, metal bars she said, "I would've brought another one if I knew."

You held your hand up and shook your head. "Don't sweat it. I'm not one for weapons anyway."

She gave you a small smile and tilted her head toward the cargo bay. "Better get going then. I have a feeling this may take a while." You agreed with her and continued your short walk to the cargo bay where you found Kendra sitting atop one of the many cases.

"Heads up." Sara tossed the staff to Kendra who quickly turned and caught it.

"What the hell is this for?" She was irritated someone was disturbing her. You took to the back of the room, wanting to observe her and her actions before making any moves.

"Warriors train every day." That may be true, but Kendra wasn't a warrior. At least not in this lifetime. She wasn't hardened like Sara or disciplined like you. Which was obvious by her response.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood." She placed the weapon beside her and continued to stare into her lap.

"'Sorry's' not gonna help that guard that you defaced at the Pentagon." Sara's voice was level, but you could hear the seriousness of her tone. That's when Kendra got defensive.

"Two months ago I was a barista. I had no idea that I had a psycho hawk goddess inside of me. And then I meet Carter and he convinces me to let her out and now that he's gone..." She was on her feet by now as she slowly shook her head. "I can't control it. And I won't risk letting that monster out again." She gave the staff back to Sara as she walked away. You met her gaze and the look in her eyes reminded you of your own when you started your training.

Fear, frustration, and rage were the only three emotions you experienced when you began teaching yourself spells after traveling back to 2006. You weren't able to use your magic for three weeks after because the amount of power you used drained you more than you thought. It took all of your time, concentration, and ability to pull off a spell of that level and you were surprised you didn't end up in the Stone Ages with your lack of experience.

Now here you were, ten years later and there was someone else afraid of what they could do. You always hated it when Rip was right.

"That monster inside of you isn't gonna go away."

If that didn't stop Kendra in her tracks, you did. "She's right."

Kendra turned to face you both and asked exasperatedly, "And how do you expect me to control her?"

Sara tossed the staff back to Kendra as you stayed against the wall. "Let's find out." Sara ran at Kendra and the brunette tried her best to block the ex-assassins swings.

They moved into the hallway where Sara unarmed Kendra and knocked her to the ground. "Are we done yet?" You followed them but still stayed close to the wall.

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